The People Watcher

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I love tinted windows.

I don't know about you, but when I see a car with tinted windows, I immediately want to know who's inside. What are they hiding? Is it someone famous? The whole mystery just kills me, but in a good way.

I love the windows even more when I'm the person inside of the vehicle in question. People watching is a hobbie of mine, right up there with kickboxing and skydiving. My idea of a perfect day? Sitting in Times Square with a cup of strong coffee just watching the New Yorkers and tourists. I've been told I'm observant, and this is a trait any good people watcher must posses. When you are able to notice small details, you can piece together someone's story. But I'm getting sidetracked.

I love being inside the tinted windows because it allows me to stare unabashed at the people around me. I get that I sound kind of stalkerish right now, but this is coming from an extreme people watcher, not a psychopath. People in general fascinate me. Allowing me to observe people without getting weird glances in return is like taking me to an amusement park. But better. Guess where I am right now?

Currently, I am sitting in a limo with tinted windows driving through Washington D.C. Put simply, this is heaven.

I am sitting back in luxury leather, sipping sparkling water (which is totally classy) and watching all the tourists and feds. So many suits, so many possibilities.

But, I am interrupted in my people watching bonanza by the one suit who just happens to be in the car with me.

"Miss Taylor, I need to brief you on your new assignment." The deep gravely voice says. The man who speaks is wearing a black suit and dark sunglass. Oh, and I love dark tinted sunglasses too. They are the tinted windows for the soul. The mystery about who could possibly wear sunglass in a dimly lighted limo nags at the back of my mind.

"Of course, Mr...." I say, pausing.

"Thats on a need to know basis. Just know I'm a spokesperson for the big guys."

Wow, you must be thinking, what business are you involved in? Well, prepare to be amazed.

I work for the CIA.

I know, I know, I'm kind of the coolest kid on the block. Well, actually, it's not that glamorous. Here's my life story in a nutshell.

I've been identified as a genius. Being the mental giant that I am (sarcasm), I graduated college at age fourteen from Stanford. After the completion of my schooling, I was able to just have days and days off. Being too underage for any real work opportunities, It's not like I could go out and find a job. My days were spent reading a ton, learning new languages (I currently know fourteen), practicing extreme sports to get my adrenaline fixes, and, my personal favorite, people watching.

During a particularly gruelling session of my favorite hobby in Chicago, which is my hometown, I spotted a terrorist by reading his body language. My report to the local police single handedly stopped a potential threat. Unfortunately, I was put in custody for being involved in the terrorist conspiracy, due to the fact that no one believed I was able to read the way he walked and held his briefcase (which happened to contain explosives, if you must know) . When my lawyer/dad finally proved my innocence, the government offered me a job.

No, I'm not a spy.

My job is involved more in the protection of high profile government officials. I've never been in a shootout, I've never climbed through air ducts, and I've never even been out of the country. So far, I have foiled six potential terrorist plots, which has lead to me raking in a six digit salary. The security business has been my job for almost three years, and all my cases are the same. When the government has received multiple serious threats, I'm called in.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2013 ⏰

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