Chapter 5: You're not a monster

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your pov

After about 20 minutes of searching still no Josh. I reached a shed and I heard some quite familiar voices.Chris's particularly I could pick him out of a crowd.

Hey c-Chris?! I called.

(y/N)! (Y/N)!!!!We need you! Come now ! Chris yelled back

I ran into the shed and turned the corner to see my boyfriend tied up and next to my ex-best friend Ashley.I saw a.... well a saw and it was in between two paths.

Hello a voice said.

I broke down and began crying and screaming (your not a wimp but this was scaring you ) while hitting the cage doors.Ashley woke up and in about 30 seconds so did Josh,'

Wh-what is this ? He asked startled.

Josh baby no ! I screamed tears trying to blind me as they poured form my eyes as I wiped  them away still hitting the cage door.

I love you ! I scream . Please whoever you are don't do this ! I screamed .

(y/n)! Baby no go back to the room it'll be over sunshine go back ! He yelled at me.

Now , now everybody calm down the voice said as he then went on explaining how Chris had to decide who shall live and die. 

Josh! I'm gonna save you ! Don't give up ! I screamed as I found a crow bar.

Go back ! He yelled as well as some other things.

Josh if not for you then for me I said grabbing the cage and looking him in the eyes. He nodded . And I began trying to break the door with the crow bar. Then snap I broke the crow bar.

Dammit! Josh no no no no I mewled collapsing to the floor.

Chris was about to choose .I grabbed Chris's arm to stop him from choosing he fought me then smacked me cold onto the floor. As I begged once more the sting fresh on my cheek.

Please Chris I'm begging you I said as I hobbled to him.

Then click.He chose Ashley.....

I thought we were friends Josh yelled. As the saw approached.What did I do ?!! He yelled at chris.

Josh !!! I love you I screamed wanting his last words to hear those of truth and love.

I love you so much (y/n) never forget that he yelled at me . A tear ran down his face as the saw pulsed through his flesh and he let out a scream that will haunt my dreams.The door opened and Chris ran through and untied Ash.

I walked in holding my heart as I felt it literally had been ripped out of my chest.I saw the blood there was so much blood.....I saw him his essence who he was .NO more josh I cried.

Im so sorry Ashley said as she reached a hand out .

I smacked it away.Go away I said clenching my fists.

What no way were not -ash started.

I said go you stupid cunt! I yelled Now dammit before you give me an excuse to beat your ass.

Come on Chris mumbled to ash as they ran out of the shed.

I let out what was a mix of a wail and a scream as my fists hit the ground stained with his blood.No more josh I said aloud,my head facing the floor. N-no more adorable stuttering and one minute quips and that stupid smart ass smirk that drove me crazy. I cried while hearing footsteps .Not Chris again.

I never looked back only got angrier and cried harder.

Go away Chris you literally just pulled my heart out . I screamed still turned away facing the ground.

You took my everything .....I'll never wake up to him , I'll never see those beautiful green eyes,I'll never get to see that bright smile ,hid handsome face.....I'll never be able to touch his skin again, to hold him,kiss him,make love to him passionately. A hand touched my shoulder.

Get the hell away! I screamed.I love him so much Chris I would give anything to tell him that one more time I sniffled.

Then I heard ,......Well I'm glad we feel the exact same way because your my everything and I love you more. I heard .....josh JOSH! say.

I stood up and whipped around to see him rubbing his neck nervously.But I didn't care . I jumped on him and hugged him hard and squeezed for dear life. I kissed him sliding my tongue in his mouth tasting all of him as he kissed me back embracing me .

I broke the kiss.

I thought I lost you I said in his ear rubbing his back.

I'm so sorry you had to see that he said low.I push him away slightly .

Why would you do that to Chris and Ash? I ask looking into his eyes.

I was just....getting them back ya know ....for my sisters...He said .

I understand your grief Josh I really do but ....Baby this is wrong I said pointing to the dummy. 

Look at what you did to me  I said.

You weren't supposed to see he said low.

You need to stop I said rubbing his back.He grabbed my arms and shook them while he spoke.

Cant you see I'm coping this is how I cope.he yelled.

Im not enough ! I yelled back.

That's not what I meant he said letting go of me.

But I need to do this he finished letting me go fully.

I can't let you Josh I said.

Then you leave me no choice my love he whispered in my ear.

He hit me in the back of the head .

The last thing I heard was I'm so sorry before completely becoming the darkness.

Sorry guys its been forever!!!!!!!!!! School tho am i right pl z dont hate me luv ya byeeeeeeeeee.

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