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Third Pov

He was just an ordinary human being whom just seem to try to egnite the life of all he loves within his heart.

It just been five years since his birth and he is justfive years old trying to desperately strive this life by him self.

He finally woke up as the sun seems to beam directly in his eyes exposing his weakness for it as he arose as quick lightning only to squint open his eyes in hesitation.

The yellow beam of heat expose his blood-red extended hair that actually is long to reach his waist, eyes that is as melted gold around the rings in his eyes but the centre was dark as it never yet seem that light penetrating it. His skin reflects that appearance of a great brown deity as it is flawless. Nose small and elegantly appeared to be sentimental on his face. Teeth glittering the whiteness that it held. His posterior and altitude made him additionally unbearable and mouth watering to all feminine gender that glimse at him.

He slouchy got out of bed with his vampire pajamas with red lush of blood painting acquired itself onto it.

He went directly towards the wall to observe the clock in which withstand the pressure of gravity by a small nail.

"What a drag, this clock is showing me the time of the day I hope not to see or witness but.. its just a drag." He sighed.

He went directly to the shower in which he tokk off his garments exposing his eight single structure beside each other in row of four and column of two. Those muscular structure made the room itself hot as its the only thing seeing his secretes that lay under garments.

He got in the shower, where he tilt the shower nod. The water began sprinking out from small holes made inside of it. He knew that the sun had came up but where he is located and where he is going was and is damn cold. The cold water running down his cheeks, chest, back and feet, it send chills up his spine.

"Charge Release: heating" he exclaimed with a little sigh after saying it.

The water caressing his back, chest everywhere but the steam given off when it touches his body it can be seen.

He came out of the shower wrapping a towel around him from his chest to knee with giving a hoot if it comfortable or not or its going to fall f.

He exited the shower, entering his room with a sluggish attitude towards putting on his garments to attend the new school called SUPER CHARGE ACADEMY.

"What a drag I cant seem to find my usual mesh marina in which red, green and black compliments its attributes."

He place on his body a white tang top with a red open t-shirt reveal the white tang top in which his correctly shape, fit and sexy abs in which turns on any girl thats looks on him. The dressing he place as to cover the exposing feet his wears on a long jeans pants in which contains holes for fashion. For his silky long her he wraps it up in a pony tail formation; as he is too lazy to do anything else with it. Additionally for his hair he ties a hand curchive around his forehead and ties it around his neck behind the pony tail. His belt he wears has a skull imprinted on it with the five element encircling the skull: Fire, Water, Earth, Wind and Metal.

After dressing he decides not to have breakfast as he wants to build his endurance and stamina on a empty stomach.

He enclose all the entrance possible for anyone to attain entry in his home and starts to walk to school. Although vehicles are there for transpotation he rather take the long routh.

On walking he saw two charger ganging on a poor and innocent man, probably trying to take what he does have.

A/N a charger is a person that contains the ability to charge energy or charge mode which is the power.

He walks over to where the two charger and the homeless man are.

"Please may I know why you two are abusing your powers and using it against a more powerful opponent that can give you a battle worthy of your money?" He said sluggishly.

"Who the fuck are you to be poking around in other people's fucking business MEINU!" The two charger shouted in sync in response.

"Anyone that choose to pick on the helpless or the homeless or the weak, is my business." He said with his hands in his pocket.

"You better walk away now, oh wait its too fucking late meinu."

A/N Meinu means bitch in Japanese language.

"Who says Im walking away you moron." He says with a close eye.

The both men charge towards him in there charge mode.

He swiftly spin and duck under their fist and turned to look at them.

The two men ganged him now and starts punching and kicking at speed faster than the human eye.

With hand in pocket he dodge all their attacks, with not one blow touching or a speck of foreign material touching him.

The two men jumped back as tiredness starts to take its toll on their body.

"What we are exhausted and he just dodge all our attacks with breaking a sweat!" The men shouted.

"Charge beam ha" the two men fired it at him.

With a smirk on his face he disappeared before the beam could make contact.

"His he obliterated or even food for the crows." The two men said as they look towards the direction where they fired the beam.

As the smoke clears "Where is he?" They question as they both felt two hands touching them.

"What the..." they stated

"Shhhh, that was indeed a nasty stunt you did there but now its my turn."

He back-flipped and kick both men while he is in the air. The two men flew back until a metal (copper) pipe.

He walked up to them and knelt down.

"Had enough boys?" He question sarcastically.

"Who are you?" The men question like its ther final breath.

"Dont mind the name but you can call me Ace." He smiled at both the men before walking to the homeless man.

"Are you okay?"

"Thank you sonny." The man exclaimed with a gestural voice.

"No problem. Take this money and by something to eat. Taking my leave." He said.

"Thank you again."

He waved at the man walking away with a smile on his face.

"Its so nice to help others once in awhile or everyday." He smiled and laughed on walking the rest of the mile to school.

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