I'm Telling YouNow (A Phan Fiction)

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Hi! This is my one of my first ever Fan fictions so it probably won't be much good, I hope you enjoy it anyways (excuse my horrid writing!) :3


Phil was sitting on his own part of the sofa with his mac on the table infront of him when Dan walked in, his hands were clasped together and he found they were slightly clammy as he wiped them down the sides of his favourite black skinny jeans. Phil and he had been planning this liveshow together for quite a while, maybe 2 months, and yet he still felt unprepared not to mention terrified. He glanced at Phil, he looked suprisingly calm considering what they were about to do, he walked over to a spot next to Phil on the sofa and Phil slid over a bit to make space for him. Adjusting the cushions to make it comfy for him, he'd always been like that to Dan. Dan flashed a small smile in Phil's direction, Phil was looking up at him and smiled back, gesturing at him to sit next to him and so he did.

Phil had the website open already, he only had to click the button and he'd be live. Phil turned towards Dan, 'Are you sure you want to do this Dan? It's got to be a choice made by both of us' Phil said. Dan thought the scenario through his head for about the 300th time, They'd talk about recent things that have happened and answer some questions from the fan's etc and then when it felt right they'd do it. Simple. He'd been sure the fan's would accept it, He knew not all of them would agree but it wouldn't matter really. He replied 'We've got to, might as well get it over with...'. Dan felt weak with nerves, his stomach was churning and he felt as if he was going pale, he looked down at the floor and turned away from Phil, he didn't want him seeing how he was really feeling about this. Phil frowned at him, he rested a hand on Dan's shoulder and gently guided his body back round to face him.


Phil lifted Dan's chin so he could look at his face, he did look unaturally pale for the tanned boy he was used to, Dan looked really sick and Phil's heart squeezed, he hated seeing him like this, he knew it was just nerves but he wanted to help anyway. He pulled Dan in a hug, not a bear hug but something more personal, Dan lifted his arms to hug Phil back, they stayed with their arms together for longer than usual hugs last. It felt right. The rain was spitting onto the windowsill in their living room and there was some distant thunder, but inside the apartment he felt warm and safe with Dan, almost as if the weather was a complete contrast of what he was feeling. Dan eventually untangled with Phil with tears in his eyes which he wiped away with the back of his arm. He looked somewhat back to his usual skin colour now and was grinning happily at Phil, he grinned back and went back to his laptop where the button sat waiting. They were going to do it.


Dan messed around with his hair a bit, partly because he was still a little nervous and partly because he wanted to look less like a wreck in front of the mac's camera. Younow said the liveshow would begin after this person had finished broadcasting, who knows how long that would be. Phil was next in the que. Dan got up to get himself a glass of water, he had realised his throat was dry and his voice was coming out raspy, he was halfway across the room when he looked round at Phil who was looking up at him over the rim off the laptop, his eyes big and blue, drawing Dan's attention immediately, he forgot what he got up for in that moment and all he could think about was the liveshow and Phil's eyes and how the fan's would... "Could you get me a glass as well Dan?". Phil's soft voice interrupted his train of thought which he was thankful for, he nodded with a half smile, too scared to speak incase of his voice betraying him.

He picked up the two cups of water and carried them back to the living room and set them on the coffee table.


He'd put up a calm pretence for Dan's sake, of course he had too, anything to keep him safe. He wasn't as calm as he had made out, his heart was pumping and the thought of calling the whole thng off crossed his mind briefly. "No" he muttered to himself under his breath, he couldnt do that after all this time.

Phil reached for his glass of water and sipped at it as Dan readjusted himself on the sofa, Phil noticed Dan taking huge gulps and then relax into the sofa. Phil put the glass down and just at that moment he went live.

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