"The Yankees win the championship!" yells the Yankees broadcaster. The crowd goes berserk, while Timmy and his father jump out of their seats to join the crowd. "Yeah!" screams Timmy. He looks at his father with a big smile and says "We finally won!" His Dad smiles and looks out toward the Yankee baseball field with happiness.
"I can't believe it!" exclaims Timmy. "They had good plays today, son." They walked in silence after that till they got to their car. "Dad, I'm hungry" "Okay, we can stop at Kirby's, alright?" Timmy nodded and jumped up and down in his seat with excitement. Blinding lights appear, and all you can hear is screams. As Timmy turns his head, he screams "Daddy!" as the car smashes into their's. Blackness surrounds Timmy as he passes out.