Shakym: what happened this time?
Me: panthers lost the superbowl ;-;
Amour: so?
Me: I WAS ROOTING FOR THEM! but I'm glad I didn't bet on the game this year
Summer: this year?
Me: yeah well some people always bet me who's going to win but I was unsure and just went for the panthers
Everyone: oh
Me:yeah but they lost so oh well!
Shakym: ok?
Amour: well that's the end of the chapter
Summer: I'm going to have pie!
Me: ok. Just don't eat all of them this time! I spent a lot of money on those and I haven't had one
Summer: *already eating one*
Me: -_-
A&S: *sigh* well bye that's the end of the chapter and see ya next time!
The Randomness of Awesomeness!!
Randomhere is the book you have all been waiting for..the ultimate book that can tell anything..the book of..... RANDOMMESS!!!!