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Shakym: what happened this time?

Me: panthers lost the superbowl ;-;

Amour: so?

Me: I WAS ROOTING FOR THEM! but I'm glad I didn't bet on the game this year

Summer: this year?

Me: yeah well some people always bet me who's going to win but I was unsure and just went for the panthers

Everyone: oh

Me:yeah but they lost so oh well!

Shakym: ok?

Amour: well that's the end of the chapter

Summer: I'm going to have pie!

Me: ok. Just don't eat all of them this time! I spent a lot of money on those and I haven't had one

Summer: *already eating one*

Me: -_-

A&S: *sigh* well bye that's the end of the chapter and see ya next time!

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