The Witching hour

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The Witching Hour

Willow had recently moved into her new house and she had just finished unpacking her things. She decided to explore the rest of the house since it was huge! She went up the stairs, but on the way up she tripped over her own foot and fell into the wall.

The wall gave way and she went tumbling into a room.

She looked around the room and drew a conclusion that it was an old abandoned library. Willow looked around the library looking at all the books in astonishment. She soon found a book in the middle of the library that was pretty good sized. It also had the least amount of dust on it. She picked up the book and gave the cover a strong blow. Most of the dust came off but there was some still left, so she wiped it off with her sleeve.

Willow was about to read the first page when a loud voice boomed "do not read that book! The power is too strong for you. If you read it you will die." It sounded as if it was coming from every direction .

"W-w-who's there?" Willow cried out. "The original owner of this house, Horis spelled with a 'B'", the voice now known as Bhoris called out.

Willow was so so terrified she grabbed the book and ran to her room. She grabbed her pocket knife off the nightstand and sat on her bed. She started to read the book and quickly realized it was in latin. She was glad she had 3 years of Latin in her last years of high school, and it was all still being fresh in mind since her last day was only a couple months ago. Willow started to read the book. She didn't understand it too much. The whole book was about the supernatural. She didn't think it could be real, could it? What else would explain the voice? There wasn't anybody else in the house. She decided to take a break from the book at the end of chapter 3 and call her best friend Amy.

"Hey, what's up Davis?" said Amy through the phone. "Hey Padalecki, I just wanted to tell you that I finished moving in, so you can come over tomorrow" Willow said back.

"What time?" Amy asked, curiosity dripping from every word .

"Does around noon work for you?" Willow questioned. "Okay, will do! See you tomorrow." said Amy cheerfully.

Both of the girls hung up the phone. Willow scrolled back to her contacts and picked John Davis (dad). After a couple rings her dad picked up.

"Hey honey, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm good, just keeping my promise that I would call you." She replied.

"Okay Willow-bear, thanks for calling me" Willow's dad said so cheerfully you could have heard him smiling. "Dad I thought I told you not to call me that anymore!" Willow whined.

"Bye Willow" her dad said.

"Bye Dad" Willow replied.

She hung up the phone and went back to the book. She read until she felt a tingling sensation throughout her body. Figuring the stress of moving into a new house by herself had worn her out, she decided it was probably time for bed. So she got up, changed into her pajamas, combed through her hair, put her hair up, and brushed her teeth. Then she climbed into bed, picked up the book to finish her last chapter, but halfway through she fell asleep with the book open.

What she didn't know was that there were vines coming out of the book. He had warned her about the book. Now it was too late. Willow was dying in her sleep, and fast. The vines got tighter around her. It started to cut off her blood circulation. At that moment she awoke. With her last breath, she picked up her phone and dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Help me..." Willow gasped; and with that she was dead.

The police and paramedics came 5 minutes later, but were too late. The detective inspector saw the vines and just called out to everybody to not even try to solve this case.

Ever since then, parents tell the story of Willow to their kids at night. The story of Willow Davis lived long and everybody feared that old house. Not a single person stepped foot into it again.

(A/N) hope you enjoyed that if you want me to I might be able to change the ending and write more to it I won't tho if I do not get 5 different people asking for me to.Thanks  

 -Lucy Winchester   

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