Chapter 1 - A fresh start

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When i was little my mom would tell me that once the world was a place where kids could learn and people where kind.  She said that the war between the two clans Grim Knight and Freestyle. It started in the east district of America but you would know that as New York  City. The reason i say east district is because the goverment found a way to keep the gangs at bay. 2018 was called the year of the decision, you could stay in the districts where the war is now or you could leave and go into safety.  But once your decision was made you cant change.

I wake with a cold shiver up my bare back. i try to go back to sleep buy mum see's my eyes open and immediately says hi. I try to act like i was still asleep but she says " Its 12pm i think its time to get up" i hear the exact word every day at every camp we move to.  I use my hands to push my body up and lean on my elbow 

"Morning" i say groggily in replie

"Ive got good news, we have a ticket "

a ticket is a pass out of the east district the goverment deal out 5 every yr and this is the only way out

"bb-But how we only have our name in the bowl 3 times"

" Well"  she says in a tough and stern voice

" The Chrisies have given us there ticket because they have had so much food and supplies to last but only if we take there daughter Natalie" 

"Wow! when are we leaving"

"Now" i know that she is trying to hide her excitement but she cant even i cant


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