The naughty Alpha mate!

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Chapter 1 ; ) Hi! I am the one and only Isabella! Most of my friends call me Izzy though! Do you ever get that feeling that today is going

to be a horrible day? Yeah well that is mwa. I am 30 percent Mexican and part French, German, Irish, Indian, and would love to be an

Italian because I used to dream of growing up and becoming an Italian chef. And yes I am an excellent cook! Well today is the start my

Senior year of High school. Awesome right! Not really! I am really sarcastic a lot of the time! Oh I forgot the most important part. I am a were-wolf !

Beeeeeep..... Beeeeep..... Beeeeep!

I stretched then yawned. I am so tired. Maybe if I just close my eyes for a minute, I mean school starts in an hour and a half so I can sleep a minute more.

" Izzy. IZZY!" I woke up to someone screaming in my ears and shaking me rudely!

"What!!!!"I screamed and opened my eyes to my sister Danielle. She stared at me like I was crazy then shoved my clock in my face. The time only read..... 7:25!!!!!!!" Why didn't you wake me up"I screeched at my sister." What does it look like I'm doing" she asked and then yelled i had five minutes to get dress before she left without me. My parents own a trucking company so as soon as my sister could drive they asked her to drive me to school. I feel the love!

So anyway I got dressed to the music of Nothing by The Script. I put on my favorite blue jeans and put on a loose white shirt with yellow smiley faces all over it. I left my ambre hair down( if you do not know ambre it's brown hair that lightens to caramel to blonde. I put on some black sandals and grabbed my bag. I grabbed a banana and ran to my sisters car and got in the passengers side. I hate being late to school especially on the first day. I suck up to my teacher on the first week so I never have to worry about snob teachers.

" Love ya girl" I told my sister as I got out of my car.

" Love you too! Have an awesome day and good luck!" She said back to me.

I met my besti Yasmine or as she is nicknamed Yazzi." Hey girl!" I told her as I got to her locker." Hey Izzy. Think you can help me with my locker."I pulled really hard and it finally budged." So what do you say? Sleepover this Saturday at 6:00? You, me, and popcorn?" I asked as she pulled out her books." Um.. Sure but let me double check with my mom. You know how she is about me." Yazzi replied.

I did know how her mom was. Yazzi is a were-wolf like me but her parents got attacked by two rouges and her mom was the only only who managed to make it out of that fight alive. Ever since then her mom was extremely over protective of Yazzi. But if that were me I would me over protective of my daughter too.

" Hola chickas!"Cyrus wrapped his hands over my eyes.

" Cyrus get your hands off my eyes" I said while sticking my tongue out at him. He was a great friend but not my mate. My wolf wants her mate so bad she refuses to let me date anyone else.

Sasha, Cryus's mate ,came up to right when the bell rang." Better get going guys. Later!" I quickly speed walked to first period which was math. Little did I know that once I walked into that room my life would change. Forever!

Hey guys I am Sarah. Please comment and vote! I am also new at this so sorry if this book is suckish. F Y I Does anyone have chocolate. I really really like chocolate.

So I am in LOVE with Taylor Laughtner! He will be mine. Dang! That sounds too possessive! Oh well!

Chapter 2

As soon as I walked in class I sat in the back row to avoid being caught daydreaming by teachers. The bell rang and everyone filtered in. Well, almost everyone.

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