Chapter 10

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Dedication because her comments never fail to make me laugh. She's awesome and her stories are awesome so you should prolly check em out! ;)


Chapter 10

I admire the man that can only be described as a sex god before my eyes. He looks extremely attractive in casual black jeans and tight white t-shirt which hugs his perfectly toned muscles. I'm busy drinking in his familiarity that I do not notice the elegantly dressed woman sitting opposite him.

She's wearing a red strapless cocktail dress which shows off her amazing shoulders and long neck. The dress also accentuates her perfect full chest.

Even from all the here, I can see through the outlines of her chest. The way she pushes her shoulders back effectively making her breast probe in full view, shows that she knows what she's got and she's not afraid to flaunt it.

Her outfit brings out her shiny 60's styled wavy blonde hair which makes her look even more beautiful she can be Marilynn Monroe, herself.

From all the way here I can pretty much tell they're involved in a somewhat private conversation from the way they gaze at each other.

What's even more heart-breaking is the carefree laugh I hear coming from Jeremy as he leans both of his elbows on top of the clothed table.

From the body language that can be easily read, one can tell that these two are not just on the first date but they know each other well.

My brain wonders if it's Cassie, the girl who cheated on him. If it's not her, then from now I'll be calling her Monroe.

"Are you waiting in line?" A man behind me asks. He studies me as if I am some sort of freak.

I tear away my gaze from the perfect looking couple--whom you could crop out of a 60's movie--and stare upon the concerned looking man.

"No. Sorry." I move out of his way.

I notice that I hadn't been the only ogling at the attractive looking couple. A few women are ogling at Jeremy whilst a few men have their eyes fest on Monroe's chest.

Men! I think only to distract myself from the piercing stab that is tugging at my chest.

I exhort myself not to think about what I have just witnessed with my very own eyes. I urge my feet to walk away and ignore the gut wrenching twist of my chest.

I think I'm still in shock when I find my head glancing back at their table thinking that I might've just imagined the whole thing.

Just as I turn, I catch Jeremy's head turning as well and our eyes lock in a millisecond. I promptly look away before he can recognize me and then I sprint out of the automatic doors.

The cold air hits me as soon as I step outside and I will my feet to run as far away from this place as possible.

It's already dark outside so I half walk, half run to the bus stop because I'm now fully aware that I'm entering the dark parts of the streets.

I concentrate on keeping my feet moving and on my surroundings in an attempt to ignore the twisting pain that's slowly wrecking me.

Don't think about it. Not now. I urge myself. I run toward the bus stop, thankful when the bus comes just as quickly. I concentrate on giving the bus driver my bus fare and then I go sit on the window sit, right at the back, away from civilization as usual.

Once there, I finally succumb to the tears that are threatening to overwhelm me.

You're pathetic coward, Leyla, simply pathetic.

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