【XIV】: The real Taehyung

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Samantha's POV

After a few rocky days here in America,eventhough I'm still not used to the people here,Taehyung was incredibly--note the sarcasm; considerate enough to have me look around different kinds of places and I must say,America's a whole new world to me. The people and the environment are all pure high class and they're all at the top of their luxury and lifestyle.

We've been here in America for almost a week now yet I still feel awkward with Taehyung. After that day where he said we are obliged to act as.. H-husband and w-wife,I can't help but feel embarassed. I know he's only trying to help me become the person I wanted to be but acting as newlyweds? That's just too far. I refuse to enter a loveless marriage!

After a tiring day,the weekend finally came. I snuggled on my bed even more as the sunlight from the window strokes my cheek.

"Hey! Are you planning to sleep all day!? Its already noon!"

"Hmmhh..huh? Ahhhh!" I suddenly shot up from my bed as soon as I caught sight of Taehyung's glare. Wh-what is he doing here!?

Taehyung suddenly looms over me and tears off my blankets,waking me with a start. "What are you doing!? Ever heard of the word knocking!?" I shouted at him furiously. How dare he just bomb in here inside my room and start ripping off my blankets!?

"You're the one who snores loud enough to drown out any knock!" He said. My blood immediately rose up to my cheeks. Ehh? I was snoring!?

I reflexively cover my mouth with my hands,and Taehyung grins. "Pft. It sounded like some monster rumbling through the grounds of the earth." He said. I sounded like WHAT!? How embarrassing!

I yank the blanket over my head. "Way to be gullible. I was just kidding." I heard him chuckle as I groan. I poke my face out from under the blanket.

"Now GET UP! Would you rather be a cow than a subterranean monster?" He shot me a glare as he slips both of his hands inside his pocket.

I scoffed at him and didn't argue anymore. Too tired to even put up with his shit today. Adios!

"HEY!" He pulls the blankets away from me again,and suddenly gets in my face. "If you don't get up,I'll get in. How about that?"

His face is so close I can already feel his breath on my face. My eyes widen at his actions.

With him right up in my face,Im paralyzed. Like a frog hypnotized by a snake.

No wait Samantha! Cow? Monster-- Frog?! Enough with the creature comparisons!

He smirks at my face. "A woman without her makeup on is practically defenseless. I like it." Giving me another grin,he strokes my cheek with the back of his hand. The feeling of his knuckles against my skin passes through me like a shockwave.

Damn! He's seeing my morning face! I can't stand the humiliation!

But wait-- why is Taehyung wearing a tuxedo? That's unfair!

Suddenly,I find my pulse racing and I don't know what to do with myself.

"Please don't look at me." I instinctively turn my head,pulling away from Taehyung's touch. But he just moves his hand to my hair. He tries to peer into my eyes as I avert my face.

What the heck? What now!? I..I don't like w-where this is going.

And just as my pulse is running up to top speed,

"Look at how your hair sticks up like an antenna!" Taehyung said as he yanks on my bangs,which always frizz up after a night's sleep. "Ouch!" The nerve of this guy! Argh!

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