Disappointment in any colours

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I blink and rub my head. My temple and chin seem to be a bit sore from something or other.Blinking and focusing a few more times I see that I'm sitting at a coffee table and Kazumi's chatting with Liz.
Jun "Uhh..."
I wince from the pain in my jaw and I grimace as the wince makes my temple pound with an even worse pain.
Kazumi "Hey! You're awake! Drink your coffee before it gets cold!"
Liz "Took you long~"
I'm pretty sure there is a lot of disdain in her voice but it is hard to tell.
"Man, why does my head hurt?"
Kazumi "Can you get us some more coffee please?"
Kazumi " I'll handle this. "
With one last glance at me, Lizzy turns and leaves looking a little skittish.  How odd. Does my face look as bad as I feel ?
Jun "What was that?"
I squeeze my question through clenched teeth. The pain feels like its drilling into my skull now.
Kazumi "I asked her for some more coffee."
Kazumi "You don't look so good, are you feeling alright?"
I consider pressing the issue and even asking why I feel so bad but the pain is acting as a respectable deterrent.
Kazumi "Do you need to lie down for a little while?  Napping in the chair doesn't seem to have been a good idea."
Oh, so that's what this is from... *wince* but why does my head hurt so much? Did I fall out of the chair a few times?
Jun "No, it feels like I got~"
Kazumi "The coffee's here!"
Kazumi turns around and greets Lizzy as she walks through the kitchen door.What was I saying?  My head's starting to clear from the subsiding pain but there seems to be a few cobwebs left from whatever happened.
Kazumi "As I was saying earlier, Jun really helped out with handing out the fliers."
Kazumi "Isn't that right?"
I see her look at me and I respond by nodding my head.  I barely keep from passing out as the pain spiderwebs in across my mind.
Jun "Can I get some ice please?"
Lizzy stares at me for a second as if I'm an idiot. Well, it may be a cafe but there should still be ice in the kitchen.
Liz "I think there's some back inside."
Kazumi "I'll help you! Stay here, we'll be right back."
As the situation draws on, it begins to dawn on me that both of them are being quite nice considering the casual atmosphere.On that note, I decide to stand up to get the ice myself.  Kazumi or no, I'm done with sitting around while being treated with kid gloves.
Kazumi "Sto~p!"
I hear Kazumi yell as I try to keep from falling to the floor when my attempt at regaining mobility fails. Disastrously.I feel an arm tug my left arm and I use my right arm to keep from tipping over onto the floor.With some help from Lizzy, Kazumi and I right myself in the chair.
Lizzy hurries off and retrieves some ice as Kazumi watches me intently.It's rather unnerving.Kazumi turns and exchanges a look with Lizzy.
Kazumi "We'll be outside. Come and visit if things slow down, otherwise, we'll be there to watch your play!"
Play? First things first.I stare at the doorway and imagine lying on the grass outside while blocking out everything else.
Kazumi "C'mon, let's go already."
Kazumi tugs my arm and leads me outside.We sit outside underneath a tree as the festival continues to whirl around in front of us.I am kind of glad to get out of the cafe because all of that noise was making my head throb.
Kazumi "Are you feeling better?"
Jun "A little, it barely hurts right now."
Kazumi "That's great!"
There's a short pause as if she's waiting for me to say something.I see some people behind her point in our direction and burst out laughing.I am pretty sure it's about me more than Kazumi and I.
Jun "Do I even want to know what happened?"
Kazumi "No, l-l-let's not talk about that."
I'll find out soon enough about what happened so I'll just wait for someone to tell me the story.  Someone is bound to tell me to see my reaction.
Kazumi "Wait here, I'll be right back."
I watch her run off and think about what she said earlier at the cafe. Something about Lizzy being in a play.Maybe going to it would not be so bad if it gets me into her graces.I'm really getting sick and tired of her animosity.After a couple more minutes of mulling things over, Kazumi appears again and hands me a soft drink.
Kazumi "Maybe thiJun'll feel better compared to hot coffee."
Jun "Thanks, you're being so kind to me."
Kazumi "Ah-ha~."
Jun "It's so different compared to being around Lizzy, it's like she hates me."
Kazumi "She's really nice. Lizzy probably just doesn't know you all that well."
Jun "I suppose."
I'm more inclined to go with my original assessment.  Although, it still does not explain why she sat so close to me on the subway.One would think she'd go to a different car or something.
Kazumi "Speaking of which, you really should come to her play. You'll see the truth behind what I'm saying!"
Despite my disbelief, I agree to come and watch Lizzy perform.Taking advantage of the lapse in conversation, I press the drink to my jaw and temple and issue a sigh of relief.
"Much better."
I open the soft drink and take a sip only to struggle to find words.Conversations aren't my forte and my past few efforts have been sub par at best.Somewhat fortunately for me Kazumi sees this as an opportunity to ask about my track experience.
Kazumi "Now that you're not going anywhere, what was your track trip like?"
Jun "A train wreck."
If she refuses to respect my decision to keep quiet, I'm going to be as difficult as possible.
Kazumi "I mean how... what exactly happened."
She caught on quicker than I had hoped. That's really frustrating.I take a sip and think of what to say next.
Jun "aren't we want to help my class ?"
She's seems a little taken aback and put out but she quickly regains her composure.
Kazumi "Right! We need to get going to help lizzy."
Once again, I have successfully defended my embarrassment.
Jun "I'm still not sure about going tommorrow.i'm sure i can help but."
Kazumi "Really? Please !"
Jun "I don't know..."
Lizzy could just become really angry.
Jun "well,i afraid can't get up on time."
Kazumi "How about you trust me on this ? i'm begging you"
Jun "let's see tomorrow."
Kazumi "how about you help me again tommorrow?with the fliers ?"
again ?
Jun "only if i get up early and have some coffee."
Kazumi "deal ."
we are head to my class.
Kazumi "so do you have someone special?i mean are you seeing someone ?"
Jun "not really.why ?"
Kazumi "i'm just asking."
Jun "well,i've only two days at this school,but there is someone."
Kazumi "is that liz ?"
so"liz ?no,absolutly no and never."
Kazumi "why ?"
Jun "why?why ?"
Kazumi "eeem,i'm just asking."
Jun "you are acting strange Kazumi ."
Kazumi "really?so who is it ?"
Jun "senior."
Kazumi "...!"
Jun "..."
Kazumi "who ?"
Jun "i won't tell you until we got a clear relationship. "
Kazumi "that's unfair."
Jun "hahahaha."
Keita"Daichi,over here !"
Jun "well,hello guys,what are you doing ?"
Touya"we are going to catch up with boys outside,play football ."
Jun "waw,but i want to help."
boy"chill out,leave it to the girls ."
Jun "are you sure ?"
boy2"yeah,we just finish boy's part."
Jun "okay,lets play.ow wait.is it okay kazumi ?"
Kazumi "yes,go Jun !"
Jun "guys,this is Kazumi. "
Kazumi "hey,so i am going to see liz doing.see you later guys ."
after exchange our goodbye i run with my class to the field.it was quite fun game.after played 2 hours we decide to end it and go home together.we completely forgot to check up on girls.
Jun "guys do we need to check on girls ?"
Keita"hmmm,i'm so tired."
Touya"yeah me too."
boy"how about you Daichi?will you dont check on them ?"
Jun"i'm so tired too but i think i left something behind.you guys don't wait me just go home instead."
boys "see you."
i run back to the class,that little metal i left it on my desk.when,i back to the class i met some girls.
Jun"hey,is everything okay ?"
girl2"you boys didn't even check on us ."
Jun"i'm sorry,very very sorry.i'll watch you tommorrow ."
girl3"yeah,i understood,you are new.don't took it seriously."
Jun"thank you.is everyone home already ?"
girl"i think there is someone volunteered to clean up.but forgot who."
girl3"we are so tired,so."
Jun"allright,see you tommorrow."
girls "yeah."
i wonder who is the one who volunteering to clean up such a mess,might be someone very nice.
Jun"liz ?"
liz"what are you doing here ?"
Jun"i left something."
liz"is it something you left ?"
liz lift up a metal thing.
Jun"yes,thank you."
Liz "you came all the way here for that thing."
Jun "hey this is something important"
Liz "you..."
Jun "yeah."
Liz "idiot."
Jun"hey,how do you found it ?"
liz"it's shined from your drawer."
Jun"really ?how came you see it,it's very little thing" i hooked it on my neck.
liz"hmmm,it's because..."
Jun"yes ?"
Jun"i'm listening."
liz"because you are moron."she is supprisingly not energic like before.
Jun"are you okay,liz ?"
I still can't believe it would be liz who is volunteering.Maybe,she is not that bad.She look pale,she must be very tired after today's events.she really clean it up all by her self ? and it is clean,really.
liz"i...i'm fine."
Jun "liz" i call her with a whisper.
she took a step back and then everything happen out of my mind.like i said she looked pale.she fall uncouncious to the ground and i was late to grap her from hitting the floor.
Jun "LIZ!!!"
i immediately approach her.i'm trying to wake her up.but nothing come up.so,i bring her to nurse's room.
Liz "uhh..."
she is awake.
Jun"are you ok ?"
Liz "where am~...,you ?"
Jun"here we are,nurse's room."
Liz "did i ?"
Jun"you fainted."
Liz "my head..."
Jun"easy,you hit the ground badly.here i got some medicine.well,it is just an aspirin"
she drank the medicine.
Liz "are you bring me here  ?"
Jun "yeah,bad luck huh.no one here not even a teacher."
Liz "thank you."
i nod.
Liz "what time is it ?"
Jun "its almost 7."
Liz "what?how is our ..."
Jun "class?i finish it.only a little work ."
Liz "you ?"
Jun "yeah,since i can let you did the clean up after your councinous."
Liz "..."
Jun "bad luck,huh ?i'm the only one left here."
Liz "..."
Jun "owh,bring you some breads and candies.you haven't eat anything since this morning right ?"
Liz "yeah,how do you know."
Jun "i didn't see you out for cafetaria or bring somefood with you all day."
Liz "Jun...i..."
Jun "don't mention it.just eat it."
after i waited her finish those food.i asked her to go home with me.
Jun "are you feeling better  ?"
Liz "still a little dizzy."
Jun "i've got a cab."
Liz "did you  ?"
Jun "yes,can't let you..."
Liz "..."
Jun "well,shall we."
after 30 minutes we arrive home i intend to pay the taxi.
Liz "see you tommorrow."
Jun "yeah sure."
Liz "Jun,thank you,really."
Jun "sure,call me if you need something."
Liz "Jun,can i ask you a question ?"
Jun "what is it ?"
Liz "are you seeing kazumi ?"
Jun "what's with that question ?"
Liz "i just wondering."
Jun "i'm not seeing anyone.bye liz.haha.you are weird."
i rustle in to my apartement.what a heavy day.i still don't know about my balck out.
"are you seeing kazumi ?"
that question keep turn on in my head until i slept.
For some strange reason I'm awake...
"4:00 ?"
Jun "Why am I even awake at this godforsaken hour ?"
I look around and see that the sun hasn't even risen yet.I have never woken up this early and it's not even a school day."
"Hmm.  Oh yeah, today's the festival isn't it ?"
Well, at least I can go back to sleep since my class prepared everything before I transferred.
Jun "Wait."
That's not a good thought considering I woke up early.  Survival instincts  ?I watch the minutes tick by until it's 4:10 a.m. and, still, nothing has happened.
Jun "Just needless worry."
I drift off to sleep.
"*Knock Knock Knock*"
Jun "I'm up."
Jun "I'm UP  !"
I look around.Mom's not around and I'm living by myself so who  ?The thoughts click together within half a second as I'm pulled to my senses.
Just in time too.
Liz "Jun! I know you're still in there  !"
Jun "Hello ?"
This is the same girl who could not stand being near me...
Liz "I'm here to make sure you come to the festival  !"
I check the clock.  It's 4:30 a.m.Maybe my mind had tried to give me a headstart.
Jun "At four-thirty?!  We're going to be a good two hours early."
Why am I even arguing? If I just go back to sleep...she won't give up.  Right.
Liz "Kazumi needs some more help setting up the festival."
Jun "Why me ? !"
Liz "you promised her."
Jun "oh,right ."
Liz "Fine! I guess you're not a reliable worker  !"
"oh,maaaan,my promised is killing me."
Jun "Just let me get dressed  !"
If I go, I can try and catch things up with Kazumi.I take a quick shower, dress, and grab an energy bar.  I probably should fix something to hold me over.
Liz "You ready ? !"
I turn and look at the door, and sigh.
Jun "Yeah! Let's go."
I walk out the door and almost run into Liz.She's studying my face intently as if oblivious that I am aware of her action.
Jun "What? Is there an imprint on my face  ?"
Liz "N-nothing  !"
I'm not a morning person so I let it go.
Liz "Anyways, we need to get going."
Jun "Why the rush  ?"
Still so early...I'm not in the mood for her half-answers.
She checks her watch, grabs my arm, and we start running.If I hadn't imitated her, I'm sure she would have dragged me.
Liz "We're not going to make the 5 o'clock train at this rate."
I'm disliking this day already.  People probably won't even be at the school when we get there.Somehow, we made it to the train on time.I just wish I were more in shape.The last time I had to run was at least a few years ago.More importantly, I start looking around idly for something resembling the shape of a refrigerator.
I wonder if there's a vending machine around.I need caffeine right now or else I'm going to fall asleep.  Even though that's preferable to staying awake.I look at Liz as we're making a bee-line to the school entrance.We're still moving at a brisk pace and I doubt she'll be happy for my proposed delay.I decide to try anyways.
Jun "Is there a vending machine around here  ?"
Liz keeps on moving. I don't think she heard me.
Jun " Is there a vending machine around here  ? "
Liz "You don't need it."
"Oh for the love of-"
Jun "If I collapse then it's your fault, not mine."
As we make our way inside she finally decides to respond.
Liz "There's one near the student council room."
I was in the student council room and I never noticed one nearby.If she's leading me along.As per usual, we enter through the side entrance to the school.
Kousuke "Lizzy~ !"
"Aha! A distraction  !"
Liz "Ugh, why is he here so early  ?"
So even she thinks it's early ! No matter, a quick glance to my left yields a glorious sight.A vending machine is near the stairwell and has been left unattended.Huh, why does it matter if it's unattended ? Shaking my head, I clear out unnecessary thoughts and focus on what's necessary.I keep out of Lizzy's line of sight as I move in on my target.
Before I am caught, I must get something.
Kousuke "My goddess, how are you today  ?"
I pull out my wallet and grab the larger denomination coins.This may be tricky because I don't have time to add up the total.I just hope the machine gives me correct change.
"*Tink* *Tink* *Tink* *Tink* *Tink*"
I press the first cola option.
Machine Readout "SOLD OUT."
Tapping the second I option, I wait patiently.
Machine Readout "SOLD OUT ".
Kousuke "W-Why ? !"
"I agree.  Why ? !"
Machine-gunning the rest of the options, the same depressing message appears.
Liz "You're everywhere I go even when you shouldn't be around."
Kousuke "B-but..."
I try to retrieve my coins from this foolish endeavor by pressing the coin return.The machine quietly mocks my attempt and I just keep trying.
Machine Scrolling Readout "ICY COLD THIRST QUENCHING 50 CENTS."
Kousuke "Eeek! What was that one for ? !"
Liz "I felt like it after seeing your face."
I lean face-first against the machine and regret how my life could turn out like this poor excuse for an existence.
"Idly, I check the coin return slot."
Kousuke "Huh. In that case..."
What luck!  My coins must have gone straight through the machine.
Kousuke "Hit me! More, more  !"
I put them in my pocket and continue to lean against the cold machine.For a metal object that denied my salvation, it's pretty comfortable.I can just rest my eyes...I think I hear a familiar voice.
girl "So, you following or not  ?"
girl "Jun ?"
She could be calling for someone else.
girl " Where are you? I'm going to- "
I feel someone grabbing my shirt and I then fall to the floor.I guess she was looking for me afterall.Standing up, I open my eyes and look around.
Liz "Let's go already !"
"There she is..."
Really, you're being way too loud.I stretch and follow Lizzy as she leads the way.Hmm, I wonder what happened to Kousuke.
Liz "We need to find Kazumi quickly."
Jun "*Yawn*  Sounds like a plan..."
Jun "Hey, Liz."
Liz "What now ?"
Jun "Why does that guy continue to follow you around  ?"
Liz "Why  ?"
That is what I asked you.
Liz "Well,  because, during afternoon classes..."
Kazumi "Hi, Lizzy  !"
So close...did i just felt worried?jealous?or what ?
Kazumi "Jun! I'm glad you could make it  !"
"I had a choice?  Do you mean you're surprised to see me still alive  ?"
Jun "Good to be here  ?"
Liz "We would have been here sooner but he feel asleep against a vending machine."
Kazumi "Hahaha, oh my..."
Kazumi "Well I did ask you to bring him along.  We need all the help we can get."
It was you !
I'm still not awake though.
Jun "I would like a pop to wake me up though."
Kazumi "The vending machine out front is broken...so maybe Lizzy knows."
Wonderful, was there a sign I missed seeing ?
Liz "I told him there was one around here."
Kazumi "Eh? The only other one would be in the teacher's lounge."
If I risk going there, I could get in trouble with Ms. Akiyama again.I'd much rather sleep than risk a problem of that magnitude.I think Kazumi can tell I'm not too keen on the idea.
Kazumi "Lizzy, could you please go get Jun something?  I can explain what needs to be done too."
Liz "Why should I-"
Kazumi "Please? I'd really appreciate it."
Liz "Alright! It's hard to say no to you."
Kazumi "We'll be in the student council room!"
Lizzy heads past us down another hallway and I can't help but think she's really gullible.
Jun "So..."
I wait patiently for Kazumi to say something.
Kazumi "Haha that's right, I need to tell you what we're doing."
"Yes, yes you do."
Kazumi "We're going to be binding brochures like yesterday."
Kazumi "Let's go get started while we're waiting for Lizzy."
I stare at the piles of paper and I immediately sit down and use one as a pillow.She definitely procrastinated again. Now we're helping her.I'm not helping until I've had caffeine.I hear people talking around me and my face feels rather cold against the table.Wasn't I sleeping on papers ?I open my eyes just in time to see Lizzy and Kazumi look at me.
Liz "You're awake!  Do you know how much we tried to wake you ?"
Ugh... No idea but it feels like I've been out for awhile.
Kazumi "T-that's alright, I'm sure he can help me pass them out."
They both stare at my face and try to keep from laughing.I feel my left cheek throb a little as blood starts flowing again.I can feel a line on my face from the edge of the table.
They quickly turn away and start to carry on their conversation while hiding their smiles.
Kazumi "Aren't you going to stay for a few more minutes  ?"
Liz "I'm sorry, I promised to help my class."
I wonder how long I was out because it feels like a couple of hours at least.Next to where my head lay is a pop can, unopened and enticing.She went and got it for me.
Kazumi "What is your class doing, Lizzy  ?"
Liz "Why don't you come later and check it out?"
Kazumi "Sure, I'm looking forward to it!"
Liz "Bring Jun along too since he'll probably sleep and get in people's way."
Jun "Ha ha ha, sure."
Crap, exposed.  At least the glasses guy will probably go after Liz and leave me alone.Rest is as good as sleep. Right~ now...Hmm. That kid's going to have brain damage at this rate though.
Liz "Well, see ya!"
Oh yeah...
Jun "Thank you for the cola."
Liz "S-sure. It was n-nothing  !"
Did I just imagine her blushing? I really must be tired.Liz saunters out of the room and I relax my neck for a minute.I jolt awake as Kazumi shoves a pile of brochures into my stomach and we carry our work with us to the festival grounds.We sit in the information booth and wait for the festival to start.
"This is way too early."
Kazumi "so,liz told me about yesterday"
Jun "yesterday  ?"
Kazumi "yes,you helped her."
Jun "owh,that."
Kazumi "so,now you gettin' along with..."
Booming Voice "Kazumi!"
Kazumi gives a start and looks at me apologetically.
Kazumi "Meet me at Liz's room."
Jun"where is that 'liz's room  ?"
kazumi"i mean your class.remember ?the drama show?"
Jun"oh,yeah.i promised come to my classmate.well see ya."
Jun "Uh, I still don't know where that is, you never told me."
One quick explanation and a crudely drawn map later, I'm a little wiser.
Kazumi "Haha~, I have to go.  It's been nice talking to you."
With a quick flash of a smile she turns around and leaves me on my own again.I fold the map and place it in my pocket for later.Well, this is a festival and I'm going to enjoy myself for at least an hour.I head inside.Whistling a little, I look through the flier.There seems to be a few good places to check out first.Out of all of them, I decide to visit the boy's and girl's swimteam's Seafood Shack first.I would like to enjoy the food before it runs out.
Kousuke "You!"
"I side-step a person running in my direction and keep walking."
Kousuke "Hey! Where do you think you're going?"
I look up and see the most annoying person in the world.  My world at least.
Jun "Wherever I feel like it.  Please don't follow me."
Kousuke "Oh, I won't. Just stay away from my queens!"
On second thought, I can try get Kousuke to enjoy himself and maybe have him leave Kazumi and Liz alone.At least I can keep him away from Kazumi since she's going to help me.
Jun "Hold up !"
I grab Kousuke's arm and start dragging him with me.
Kousuke "What are you doing?! I don't like you !"
Jun "We've been over this before.  Look, I'm just going to get you to enjoy life a little and you can keep an eye on me."
Kousuke "I'd rather not-"
Jun "Same here but you have a problem and a little change could do you some good."
People "Wow, someone's actually hanging out with him."
People "Why would he even do that  ?"
People "I hear four-eyes is bothering those two girls again."
People "And he is the one you told us about  ?"
People "I know  !"
I tune them out as I muscle Kousuke ahead.Reputation was overrated a few years ago and it's the same now.Being friends with Kazumi and Lizzy would be much better than the people we just passed.This was not my worst idea yet but I'm regretting my previous decision.I can't help but feel a little angry that my plan went downhill.
Jun "You're an enemy of pretty much everybody aren't you  ?"
I check over my shoulder to see if a teacher followed us around the corner.The hallway is free of impedements as we barrel down the hallway at a dead sprint.
Kousuke "I was doing fine until you came along!  It was your idea to do this, not mine  !"
I notice an adult's shoe overtaking the corner and I begin to sweat.This is not going to be easy.
Jun "Less talking, more running  !"
I contemplate what he said and as I begin to formulate a plan.If I remember right, Lizzy's cafe isn't too far away. I can always ditch him.If Kousuke had not thrown food after being provoked, there would not be a problem.I remember the student council room being around here somewhere.The teacher will take care of this problem as long as I can get away.
"god,i'm going in to big trouble"
Jun "I know a good place to hide."
Kousuke "Oh really, and where would that be  ?"
Jun "Someplace people rarely go."
Kousuke "Out with it!  *Huff*  I'm getting tired  !"
You need to work out more...
Muffled Voice "I saw them turn that corner!"
Jun "The student council room."
After a few more seconds I look over at Kousuke.
Jun "Well ?"
Kousuke "It *Huff* could work."
For being moronic he can think rationally sometimes.
Jun "Good, cause here we go!"
We change our course and run right through the clubroom door.I softly close the door behind us and hide behind a shelf.The room is dimly lit and clean as opposed to what I had expected.Kazumi mentioned something about making posters yet there aren't any scraps in the wastebasket.I hear Kousuke do the same.Leaning back against the shelf, I let out a sigh of relief.Track was far less stressful than this situation.As my heart calms down I wait for any signs of pursuit.Seconds tick by and I can hear Kousuke breathing loudly.
"Tock-tock-tock-tock "
A flurry of feet sound off of the hallway and sound like a miniature earthquake.Our impending doom quickly closes in on us and I hope that it'll pass by swiftly.I would not be in trouble but I do feel slightly responsible for the trouble caused earlier.
Funny how I chose now of all times to do a good deed and it blows up in my face.The door creaks as the wind rattles the door as the person runs past.We both let out a sigh of relief and I decide to wait some more.After around ten agonizing seconds I grow bored.  The trouble seems to have long since passed and there's not much else to do but wait.At least now I have a chance to figure out a few things.
Jun "Why are you so dead set on bothering Lizzy and Kazumi?"
Kousuke "I am not!"
Jun "Sh!"
"Is he  trying  to get himself caught?"
Kousuke "I'm not. I'm just being friendly.  They're nice people."
Jun "Well, at least one of them is a nice person.  Why not just be nice?"
I stop myself from asking about why he's being so obsessive as well.
Kousuke "What do you think I've been doing?"
Isn't it obvious from their reactions?
Jun "Bothering them?"
"Tack-tack Tack-Tack "
We wait patiently for the person to pass again.The teacher probably just gave up.
Kousuke "How  do  you expect me to get them to like me?"
Well this was rather unexpected, I hadn't expect him to be so straightforward.
Jun "Some other way."
Kousuke "Genius! Why didn't I think of that?"
I hear an exasperated sigh from somewhere in the room.What am I? A guru? Give me a break.
Jun "Getting into their personal space and lives surely isn't helping though."
Kousuke "Well, I'm sorry, I've lived most of my school years with these people.  It's hard to change when they won't let you."
"Great, now he's getting sarcastic."
Jun "That would tend to be a problem."
Although, applying yourself and being stubborn is a thought.
Kousuke "What would you know?  You've said it yourself a few times, you had moved around a lot.and you are popular"
That brought an end to the conversation for the next few minutes.
Jun "It should be clear, I'm heading out.  Just quit causing them problems and you should be fine."
As I leave the room, I hear Kousuke begin to stand up.
Kousuke "That's funny coming from someone like you."
Heading towards Lizzy's I'm glad that Kousuke had gone in the opposite direction.
Knowing him, he's probably searching for Kazumi.
It's a good thing that I remembered all the turns I had made otherwise I never would have found this cafe.
girl "Welcome! He-h. It's you!"
Jun "Yes it is?  You are?"
I finally recognize her as she's leaving the room.
Jun "Lizzy wait up!"
I'm stopped before I can go any further by a couple of other people.
Random guy "Hey buddy, leave her alone.  After what you've done..."
Another Random Guy "You were terrorizing the school with Kousuke.  You know, four-eyes."
Random girl "People have been talking about it for awhile. I can't believe you would do something like that!"
Jun "You weren't even there and you don't know me. I'll get to the bottom of this."
I push my way through the group of people and go into the kitchen.
Jun "Hey Liz-!"
I narrowly avoid being brained by a spatula as soon as I go through the door.That doesn't stop her from trying a few more times though.
Jun "I hear"
Jun "That"
Jun "Some"
Jun "Would you stop that?!"
After dodging the spatula multiple times I can't take it anymore and stand my ground.Sometimes enough is enough.
Jun "Ow! F-frick!"
I grab my head and hunker down to protect myself more from this violent girl.
Jun "I heard that some rumors have been going around and-"
Liz "Why are you even here?"
I think about it for a moment and I feel some relief. There's a chance this can be resolved now.
Jun "Kazumi told me to stop by when I got here and that she'd be showing up around now too."
Liz "Kazumi's here?"
I watch her carefully as she lowers the spatula while she's thinking.
Jun "Maybe, she said she'd come here after her shift for the day."
Liz "I-I see. Well I still don't want you back here if you're hanging out with that person."
Jun "I'm not!"
Internally, I sigh.  This is an uphill battle.
Jun "I just thought I'd keep him away from you and Kazumi for a little while."
Actually, from Kazumi since he was going in that direction but it works out for both of them anyways.
Jun "I didn't know it would turn out like this."
As if anyone could truly forsee how poorly my plan would fail.
Liz "You've already caused enough problems for everyone. I can give you something to keep you out of trouble."
Liz "Oh, my bad, this is the birdbrain I'm talking to..."
Liz "Just gather these ingredients."
Lizzy hands me a piece of paper and rummages around in a drawer.I look at the note and all I can see are doodles.I turn around in order to tell Lizzy that something's wrong.Immediately, I jump back and protectively put my hands up.  In front of me stands Lizzy holding a rolling pin.
The piece of paper was just a distraction!
Jun "Please don't hit me again!"
Liz "What?"
Liz "Idiot! It's for the crepes."
The feeling of impending doom subsides and I try to be more relaxed.I guess I didn't try hard enough to seem convincing since she continues to talk.
Liz "If you'd read the paper, you'd be able to figure this out."
That gibberish can be read?
Jun "That doodle? It looks like a dog."
Liz "It's ingredients!"
Now she threatens me with the rolling pin and it doesn't seem like she's willing to talk this over.
Jun "Alright! Ingredients!  I still can't read it."
Liz "Fine!"
She lists off the ingredients and tells me where to find them.For most of the time I run around gathering these items and setting them on a table.
Jun "So, why'd you wait until now to start this?"
Liz "Do I have to explain everything to you?"
Not if you were reasonable.I decide to stay silent.
Liz "They're better fresh and we've run out already."
Making them earlier would have been better though.She's like a more organized Kazumi.
Jun "Is that really necessary."
Liz "Yes it is if you want people to enjoy themselves."
Jun "But-"
She wipes some sweat from her forehead and stares at me levelly.
Liz "This would be much easier if you weren't so distracting."
What's with that attitude?
Jun "How am I distracting?"
Liz "You keep on asking so many stupid questions."
If you had taken care of things in advance, this would be easier.
Jun "If that's the case then I'll just leave."
Liz "Y-yeah, you do that."
I walk out of the kitchen and make my way to the hallway, trying to think about what just happened.
Jun "I really blew that."
Kazumi "You really blew what?"
Jun "Gah!  When did you get here?"
Kazumi "I just got here."
Then why did you have such good timing?
Jun "Well, I think Lizzy was looking for you earlier."
She looks a little flustered and I remember I was going to wait for her first.It's too late for that now.
Kazumi "You talked to her already?"
Jun "Yeah, I didn't have much of a choice."
I explain the incident with Kousuke and the cooking conversation.
Kazumi "Eh, that could have gone better."
Kazumi "You weren't trying to make her angry were you?"
Jun "No!  I...it just happened to go that way."
Kazumi "I see."
Jun "I don't know what happened to get on her nerves but I thought it was best to leave."
I wait as she seems to mull over what I say.
Kazumi "Knowing her, she's probably easier to talk to by now."
Kazumi "Alright, I'll see what I can do.  Wait here."
If I had waited for her earlier, this would have been so much easier.
Hopefully Lizzy will be more reasonable with Kazumi.
Jun "Thank you!"
Kazumi "I explained everything to her!"
Liz "..."
"Kazumi nudges Lizzy and she gives a start."
Liz "Uh, I'm sorry for hitting you."
"She doesn't sound sorry but I'm willing to give it a chance."
Kazumi "And?"
Liz "And what?"
I hope Kazumi knows what she's doing.
Kazumi "Lizzy is performing in a play later today,with your classmate,right? and she would like you to see it."
Liz "Kazumi! Why would you tell him that?!"
If Kazumi thinks it'll make her happy...
Jun "I'd be more than glad to go."
Liz "R-really?"
Jun "Yes."
We watch as Lizzy runs back inside and then wait to see if she's coming back out.I guess not.
Kazumi "Hohoho~, good job."
Jun "I did it again, didn't I?"
Kazumi "No, let's get going Casanova."
Jun "Hu...what?"
How is that even relevant?
Kazumi "What?"
Jun "...Nothing."
"I'll try and ask her again later."
Jun "Hey, isn't that Kousuke?"
We both look at the club entrance.  Sure enough, he's trying to force himself inside.
If only he hadn't thrown that food earlier...
"Tock-tock-tock-tock "
It sounds like the teacher is coming again too.
Jun "You should just give up and keep running. The teacher's already here."
I abandoned him earlier and I think that it's the least I can do.Kousuke struggles a little more and is finally pushed out into the hallway.Taking a look at me then behind me, Kousuke starts running.I feel a hand land on my right shoulder.The hand's too large to be Kazumi's...
"Exhausted Teacher" "Why did you do that?"
Jun "I'm regretting it already but it was funny?"
I hope he doesn't figure out that I was with Kousuke during the problem.Perhaps he's too distracted by the pursuit.He draws a deep breath and I await what is most likely the end of my day.
"Exhausted Teacher" "I am not amused."
Whether or not he suspects me seems to be a secondary issue now.Feeling my chances of a fun festival slipping away, I try to get him to think of anything else.
Jun "Can't you get him later?"
"Exhausted Teacher" "If I do, he'll have caused more trouble by then."
I hear him sigh and begin walking after Kousuke.
"Exhausted Teacher" "I'm not done talking with you today. I'll see you later."
I could be worse off...If I can resolve things with Lizzy then I can make  something  out of today.
Kazumi "Why DID you do that? You could have gotten into some serious trouble!"
I completely forgot she was there.
Jun "Ow!  Why must people HIT me to get a point across?"
Honestly, I was just helping out Kousuke.Why is she being so brutal?
Kazumi "Her play is in around an hour, be there."
Kazumi "And don't get into anymore trouble!"She walks away in a huff as I massage my stinging cheek.
Jun "Alright already!"
That smack still smarts.
Liz "Kazumi!"
A familiar voice calls from nearby.
Kazumi "Lizzy, that was great!"
Liz "Thanks!"
Kazumi throws her arms around Liz openly.
I see that it catches Liz by surprise as her cheeks flush.
Jun "Good job."
Lizzy faces me directly as soon as I finish and I hurriedly follow it up.
Jun "You did an excellent job."
Liz "Thank you."
Jun "It would have been even better if Kousuke hadn't interrupted the last act."
Kazumi "I know! He had a lot of nerve to stand up and cheer at the saddest part."
Lizzy did perform beautifully for that part though.
Liz "..."
Jun "Probably because Lizzy did such a great job."
Liz "Are you defending him?"
"...That came from left field, I was being serious."
Jun "You did do a great job acting."
Liz "Now it's just great?"
Please don't be so difficult, I'm trying hard here.
Jun "Excellent! Great! Same difference."
Thankfully Kazumi steps in to save me.
Kazumi "It was really good!  He even told me that you did a great job when you were performing."
Liz "He was probably lying."
I can at least try some other way to cheer her up.
Jun "The good thing is that the teacher from earlier spotted him and chased him out."
Liz "So he's still around here somewhere?  I thought he would have been caught by now."
Her reaction is better than Kazumi's was earlier.I'm glad trying this time around didn't get me into trouble.
Jun "He was almost caught earlier at your cafe but he was able to get away."
I may have made things worse for him though.
Jun "In fact, I think he's been running around for a few hours."
Kazumi "I hope it doesn't end too badly."
Liz "Yeah."Am I missing something here?
Kazumi "Well, we should probably get going anyways."
Kazumi "I'm sure there's more to see than just the cafe and seafood."
Jun "As long as you don't mention that problem again, let's go."
I'm ready to spend the rest of my day having fun, not talking about bad memories.
Liz "True, there's a lot of the festival left to see."
Liz "Although, does Jun really need to come along?"
"... Did I make any progress at all?"
Kazumi "Eh? Of course!"
Kazumi "You want to come along don't you Jun?"
Jun "Yeah!"
"Try, try, and try again."
Kazumi "What are you guys up to later?"
Jun "Nothing much."
Probably go home and get some schoolwork done.  I need to catch up to everyone.
Liz "I may have some cleaning to do for the club."
Jun "You're not done?"
She should've been baking those crepes in advance.
Liz "I was allowed to go to the play,and didn't come to help in cafe's club, I'm at least going to help clean up everything."
Kazumi looks in my direction.
kazumi"are you worrying her,Jun?"
Jun"eeh ?"
Kazumi "well,We could help you and then get something from a restuarant around here."
Jun "Sounds like a..."
I trail off and regain my bearing.
Jun "Sounds like a GREAT idea!"
Kazumi "Think of it as a repayment from Jun."
I would rather not pay for the meal for everyone, Lizzy's been the one causing me problems. Not the other way around.
Liz "That's really not necessary."
Jun "We insist !"
Liz "Not with a pervert like you!"
Jun"and who do you think strong enough to caary you 'again' if you faint 'again'?kazumi?"
Before I can regret her holding a grudge, Kazumi pulls us along.What did she notice earlier?  We're definitely being pulled in that direction.
"Lady" "Kazumi!"
"She stops in front of a rather tall woman who looks like Kazumi."
Kazumi "Mom! What are you doing here?"
"Kazumi's Mother" "Can't I see my only daughter at school?"
Kazumi "There's nothing wrong with that."
She pushes Lizzy and I forward.
Kazumi "These are my friends Lizzy and Jun!"
Liz "Hello."
Jun "Hello Kazumi's mother!"
Kazumi seems to get her peppy attitude from her mother too.
Kazumi's Mother" "So these are the two you've been telling me so much about.
Kazumi "Yes they are! We just got finished watching Lizzy's play."
Kazumi's Mother" "I heard about that. Someone was chased out for interrupting.
Kazumi's Mother" "It sounds like he's a regular troublemaker around here.
So just about everyone does hate him.That's actually pretty depressing.
Actually,That guy is not a bad person, just creepy.He does need to change himself though.
Jun "Yeah, I had tried to help him out earlier but a problem arose."
"Kazumi's Mother" "Isn't he the one who's been following around my daughter at school?"
She seems to be on a one-track mind because it seems like she didn't even notice me talking.They can handle their own situation.
"Kazumi's Mother" "I'll take that as a yes?"
Kazumi "Yes, but he's not a big problem!"
He usually does hide himself well when he's stalking.I feel like hiding myself during this conversation but Kazumi is standing right behind me.
"Kazumi's Mother" "Of course he isn't right now."
Maybe I should say something.
Kazumi "Don't you have work?"
Oook. I'll just let her handle it then.
"Kazumi's Mother" "Yes, and I begged my boss to let me see my daughter working.We'll talk about this later."
On the bright side, neither of them are sad. Maybe Kousuke will finally get what's coming to him.She starts to leave and I begin to see a familiar pair of glasses heading our way.Not now of all times!Kousuke heads up to the group after Kazumi's mother leaves and looks at me.
Jun "What?"
I hope Kazumi's mother is far away otherwise this could become ugly.
Kousuke "Hey! What's everyone doing?"
Jun "We were talking about the play and then talked to Kazumi's mom."
Jun "Not much else."
Kousuke "Ah, yeah.If you see a teacher around, let me know please ?"
Jun "Why would we?"
"You've caused a lot of problems and now you're asking for a break?"
Kazumi "Jun!"
"What now?"
Kazumi "If we see one, we'll let you know."
"You're awfully forgiving when it comes to your stalker."
Kousuke "I just came over here to apologize for the way I've been acting lately."
"I idly watch as he looks at each of us, supposedly to gauge our reactions."
This is beginning to seem surreal.
Kousuke "As I was running around earlier today, I thought about the talk we had, Jun."
Better late than never, you seemed pretty defensive back at the student council room.I want him to spit it out now so we can get a move on with the day.I could be home playing video games right now.No, I force myself to be patient.Kousuke scratches his head and pauses for a moment.
Kousuke "I'm not asking for you to forgive me but I would like you to know that I'm sorry."
He waits patiently for an answer.He's trying, I'll give him that much.
Liz "That's it?!"
Liz, however, does not seem willing to let this go.
Kousuke "Pretty much, yeah."
Kazumi "You've caused us all trouble!"
Kazumi, despite her previous actions, seems to be as angry as Lizzy.Kousuke, to his credit, seems like he expected this type of reaction.He's rolling with their emotional outburst quite well.
Kousuke "Yeah, I wasn't thinking things through.  Although, Lizzy would agree that Jun deserved it.Wait, what ? Where did that come from ?
Liz "Why would I do that!"
I glance behind Kousuke and nod at the approaching teacher.
Jun "You'd better run."
He takes off without even looking and a teacher rushes off after him.
Liz "Why did you do that?!"
Jun "Giving him another chance?"
He hasn't caused me many problems so why not ? Although, from the looks of things, Lizzy doesn't seem to be as forgiving.
Liz "You... You idiot!"
"Ow!  Definitely not forgiving."
Liz "Just leave me alone too then."
I suppose I did piss her off but a break from being hit will be nice.Lizzy waits a second as if waiting for me to say something and then starts crying.She walks away, disgusted and Kazumi hangs back.I wait for Kazumi's response but all she does is shake her head and walk after Lizzy.That could have went better.All I wanted was to be on better terms and now everything is a mess.
Jun "kazumi!"
Kazumi "what?why are you following us?
Jun "i'm not going to let it go again,if everything going to end let's end it but i won't give it up that easy"
Kazumi "waw...you,ok "
Jun "where is she?"
Kazumi "lets splt up"
Jun "kazumi wait"
Kazumi "yes?"
Jun "i...i have something to tell you,but i hope if something happen between me and her,nothing will change between us "
Kazumi "fair enough"
i go split with kazumi.after find her in some hallway and liz's cafe, i found liz in the our class.
Jun "liz"
i grab her arm and
Kousuke "There you are and Lizzy going out?"
Definitely not, although, it is easier to get along with her.You're ruining that moment though.
Jun "No and I doubt anyone would want to with you making it a package deal."
Great, that did it.I step back as Kousuke swings at my head and I barely miss getting a broken nose.The next thing I see is Kousuke's head snap back and him crumple to the floor.
Kazumi "Lizzy! You shouldn't have done that!"
Jun "Well, at least I'm grateful she did.She's done it plenty of times beforehand too."
This time it's not me getting hit and for that I'm grateful.
Liz "I just didn't want Jun to get hurt. What did you want me to do?"
Huh, when did she start being protective to me ? Also, why ? I'm starting to see Lizzy in a new light now that she's not bugging me.So this is why Kazumi hangs out with her.
"Teacher" "You should have called for a teacher."
I jump somewhat, it's the same teacher who was chasing Kousuke.
"Wonderful.You choose now of all times to step in?!"
"Teacher" "What you did could very well get you and Kousuke expelled."
That's really unreasonable, prosecuting my defender!Why don't you take some responsibility for being so late?
Jun "She was defending me!"
"Teacher" "She also could have killed him with that blow to the head."
Jun "He very well could have killed me with that punch to the head."
Yet another fool...Don't use logic that works both ways.He looks at me and I'm pretty sure there's rage and regret in those eyes.The teacher sighs and rubs his eyes slowly.
"Teacher" "Despite you being in highschool, I guess I'm partly responsible for trusting you to calmly handle this yourselves."
Right !..Hey, not cool.He was pissed off to begin with and lashed out.Well...I do suppose I let my emotions get the better of me but that's no reason to blame me.
"Teacher" "Elizabeth, you're going to the principal's office and we're going to talk about this."
He points at Kousuke's body and looks somewhat sad.
"Teacher" "And he's going to the nurse's office again."
Jun "But it's obvious what happened here!"
He looks at me for a second and nods to himself as though he's remembering something.Maybe Lizzy  can get off lightly.
"Teacher" "Yes it is and I'm going to have a talk with you too."
"Damn it! Why?!"
"I'm about to argue but I gulp down my retorts."
His eyes voicelessly say that anything else said will only make my punishment worse.I'm going to have to be careful from here on out.I hear another pair of footsteps getting close and I feel my heart sink.Only one other person would be interested in this...
"Kazumi's Mother" "Now wait just a minute, that's also the guy who's been stalking my daughter."
Why did you have to go and say that ? Self defense is usually a light punishment despite how much teachers intimidate students against violence.I quickly feel things falling apart and I can't do anything to help.
"Teacher" "Are you suggesting that she had a motive?"
"Kazumi's Mother" "No! I'm suggesting he's dangerous!"
Kazumi "I wanted you two to have fun together, not something like this!"
We were until Kousuke came along and tried to beat me into a pulp.
Jun "I was having fun although Lizzy should have been more lenient."
Jun "There wasn't anything we could say to help."
Why is it that Lizzy's blaming me for not helping her?From my standpoint, I would have just made us sink deeper in that quicksand trouble.
Kazumi "Well..that is..."
Jun "What?"
Kazumi "I think it's best if you just stayed away from her for awhile."
Really? That's doesn't seem right.I think she could tell what I was thinking because she hurriedly follows it up.
Kazumi "She feels like you let her down.  It hurt her thinking about how much trust she put in you and you barely did anything for her."
Jun "I stood up for her as much as possible!  The teacher was barely listening to me anyways."
Kazumi "Well, Lizzy was still listening to you!"
Why would she get so bent out of shape over someone she's barely known?
Jun "Well, I'm sorry if my best isn't good enough for her highness!"
I take a deep breath to calm down but I've already done enough damage that it doesn't matter.
Kazumi "she was happy you were coming,i dont exactly know why.but,now i know for sure"
There she goes,leaving me alone there.
Jun "stupid"
think Jun think,what do i do ? oh,i know it,i'll take the chance,i've got an idea.i run to teachers room but,i don't know that the their meeting is over.
Jun "sir,i need to talk to you,please,please,give me a chance"
teacher"what do you want?,help them?"
Jun "no,i want to take the responsiblity for all of it"
Jun "yes,but you have to listen to me first"
teacher"all right i'm listening"
after several minutes talk with we got our agreement.
teacher"you sure about that?"
Jun "yes,you are very kind sir,and i'm sorry"
teacher"and you are i don't know,maybe half brave,half stupid"
Jun "sir,do you know where they go?"
teacher"hmmm,i heard something with the class "
Jun "thank you so much sir"
"i am sorry"
Most of the visitors had left already.  I've been searching for Liz for the last twenty minutes. Where on earth is she ?I approach a half-open door at the end of the hallway.
Kousuke "I've been looking for you!"
Jun "I'm not Lizzy. Maybe you need new glasses."
Kousuke "That's not it! I know that you two are getting together."
Jun "If you know so much then why'd she run away ? Look, I don't have time for this. I actually need to find her."
Kousuke "Not if I can help it."
"*Sigh* Here we go."
Jun "I'm not in the mood to play these games."
Kousuke "Even if you're not going with her, I can't forgive you for making her sad!"
Jun "I can't believe I'm explaining this to you."
Jun "Fine, we were near Kazumi's mother, Lizzy's been cranky all day, and she left."
Kousuke "It's probably because you're two-timing with Kazumi and in front of a parent!"
How many times do I have to explain things to him?!
Jun "Bull, we're not going out and Lizzy's been nothing but a pain in the ass."
Did I hear something ? I see Lizzy burst from behind the doors and run straight into Kousuke.  Then me.Are those tears?
" *Clatter* "
Liz "Ah!"
She looks like a deer in the headlights as she looks at the floor.I look at it too and I see a wooden box smashed to pieces, with a few springs sticking out.
Jun "Sorry about that, look, I can buy you another one."
Lizzy shudders and becomes strangely calm for a second.She pushes past me and runs down the hallway, leaving Kousuke and I to collect our thoughts.
Kousuke "Now you made her cry!"
Jun "Me? She ran into me!"
This isn't worth it.
Jun "I'm going to see what's going on."
I gather up the pieces of the music box and head down the hallway. Maybe I can sort this out.Eventually I run into Kazumi again after having gotten lost.All of these hallways look the same to me.
Kazumi "Did you find Lizzy?"
Jun "Yeah, but she ran away."
Kazumi "Why?"
She glances at the broken box cradled in my arms and a look of pissed off versus realization crosses her face.
Kazumi "Why did you break it?! That meant a lot to her!"
This thing ? Well, I guess it explains her reaction.
Jun "She ran into me and dropped it while Kousuke and I were talking."
Kazumi "Well, you'd better go apologize."
I stare at her in disbelief for a second. It's my fault ?
Jun "But I did nothing!"
Kazumi "That's part of the problem."
I'm about to say something else when she takes a deep breath and regains her composure.
Kazumi "Look, I've known her for awhile, we'll deal with this later when she's ready."
Kazumi "Follow me."
I really don't like where this day's heading.We walked in silence to the yard for some privacy.At least, that's what I assume is going on.
Kazumi "Wait here."
I set the pieces of the box on the ground and sit next to it.On closer examination, it looks like an old music box.Although, why on earth would Lizzy run off when it broke instead of wanting to get it fixed.Something tugs at my memory...
Kazumi "I got you something else to drink."
My attention is immediately switched back to reality.
Jun "Thanks."
I place it on the ground next to me and the music box.
Jun "Now, will you tell me what's going on?"
Kazumi chews her lip and grudgingly gives an explanation.
Kazumi "The music box is from someone very important in her life from a long time ago."
Jun "Alright, but she was already running before it broke."
Kazumi "That was probably you. You were having a conversation with Kousuke right?"
Jun "That's true but I see no reason to-"
Kazumi "Did you say anything bad about her?"
Jun "Other than she's done nothing but annoy me? No."
Kazumi "Whether or not she did, she still cares about what people say about her."
Jun "Oh,my god.i said something terrible"
That's rather one-sided.
Kazumi "What do you really think of her?"
Jun "She needs an attitude adjustment."
Kazumi "You're hopeless!"
She gets up and starts to leave.
Jun "How am I hopeless? I've tried getting along with her before!and i'm tired for that."
Kazumi "Maybe if you weren't doing it because you felt you had to it'd have gone better."
Jun "Really, I doubt it."
Kazumi "Yeah, well, I don't know why she was so glad to hear that you were coming."
Jun "What?"
How could she have known me ?
Kazumi "Yeah, when she heard you were coming she became really estatic."
Jun "It's not like my memory's been its best and I'd think I'd remember someone like  her ."
Jun "Ow!"
"As my head spins in pain the memories from earlier this morning flood back into my mind."
Jun "What's that for?!"
Kazumi "That was to help you get a clue!"
Jun "You helped alright.You helped me remember that she kicked me and the two of you tried to cover it up!"
Kazumi "I just wanted you two to get along!"
Jun "Kind of a little late for that isn't it?"
I stand up and start to walk away.
Kazumi "Now you're running away?"
Jun "Running away from what? I had no reason to do this in the first place."
Kazumi "For someone who can't even thank a person properly, you're full of yourself!"
As I get further away, it's obvious that Kazumi has reached the limits of her resolve.
Kazumi "Just leave her alone and stay away from me!"
I keep walking and I run into Kousuke hiding in a bush... I can't resist sarcastically goading him.
Jun "Did you enjoy the show?"
Kousuke "No.  Are you happy  now ?"
I don't bother with a response and I continue on ahead.Kousuke is probably happy with what happened but he'll more than likely leave me alone now that I'm not going to be with his princesses .
I'll figure out what exactly happened later but what Kousuke said still bothers me - I already knew the answer after he asked me.
"No, no I am not."
Jun"i am very bad man"
Kousuke" yeah me too"
Jun"why,i am so mean?,i'm not like this before i came here,especially to liz,i broke this music box"
Kousuke"no,we broke it"
Jun"i screwed up"
Kousuke"no you not,i am the real screw man.i owe you apologies,i made you got in trouble and made you fight with liz and kazumi."
Jun"yeah,but its not all your fault."
Kousuke"i owe you thanks for helping me but i made you trough a lot of trouble."
Jun"it is ok"
Kousuke"no,it is not,you are very good man,you just spontanious and honest person"
Jun"and i can even change that bad attitude"
Kousuke"you don't have to change maaaan"
Jun"thank you"
Kousuke"no,thank you very much.and i know about your agreement with teacher.i overheard it."
Jun"don't tell anyone about that"
Kousuke"that too heavy for one man,and that is not even your fault,its my fault anyway"
Jun"i just wanna protect her"
Kousuke"you like liz?"
Jun"no,i mean yes but not in romantic way"
Jun"as friends"
Kousuke"how about me?you helped me"
Jun"actually,i like you kou-can,i'm in love with your stupid look on your face"
Kousuke"hey stop that!"
Jun"i am normal,don't take seriously,hahhahha"
Kousuke"how about kazumi?"
Jun"looks like it will change everything between us"
Kousuke"so,who is senior you like ?"
Jun"yeah,she is in third,wait how could you know that?"
Kousuke"i missheard that too,hehe"
Jun"you monkey"
Kousuke"hey,i thought you are flirt with kazumi"
Jun"no,it is Nina-senpai"
Jun"hahaha,how about  we talk about it in the way home"
Kousuke"you want go home with...me ?"
Jun"you make it sounds disgusting"
Kousuke"yeah,i almost never have...a friend."
Jun"who saying you are a friend?you are my dog.lets go home"
Kousuke"..."i see a little smile on his face.
Jun"what?are you coming or what?,pal"
Kousuke"ay ay captain!"
tommorrow going to be hard day,i'll start my punishment day for the next 6 months
"i have to sleep now"

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