let's look at life differently

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Think of your life as a road. You have a starting point and an ending point. The road has it's rough parts but it also had it's smooth. You are one of many cars that will drive on this road. Some will break down, run out of gas, or choose another road. Either way they are no longer moving forward on this road , they are left behind- where they will stay. Other cars will move forward with yours, they will stay as long as they can, possibly making it to the end. And then there's you. The car that will obtain a few dents and flat tires along the way but will carry on driving because you have enough gas to do so. You can drive fast or slow, but any pace eventually takes you to the end .

The moral of this metamorphic car story is to say that people will come and go and life has it's ups and downs . But you will always be there. You are the core reason to carry on to the end no matter what. The only true person you need is yourself.

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