Over the next couple of days, the weather got gradually colder, and people took to wearing hats and scarves.
On the friday the sixteenth of september, I spotted the Weasley twins outside the dormitories.
"Uh... Balderdash?" said one.
"Flying monkeys!" said the other
"We don't have a password. You have to answer a riddle, see?" I said, and knocked once.
"The more you take, said the calm voice, the more you leave behind."
"Er... time? No wait... footsteps!"
"Elementary." said the voice, and the door opened. I stepped into the common room.
"But why? That just makes things so much more complicated!" said the one with a green shirt.
"So that thickwits like YOU can't come in here! Which leads me to ask, why have you?" came the loud voice of my friend Ginger.
"They're looking for the lost diadem, aren't you boys?" I asked, but they weren't listening. They were staring rather greedily at Ginger, who snorted.
"You're not the first." she said. They regained their composure. Neither of us were surprised by their reaction to her. Ginger was absolutely beautiful. She had long, auburn hair which she kept in a loose bun, and lovely bottle-green eyes. She wore colourful clothes and interestingly shaped earrings. She, like me, did not get on well with her mother at all.
"Yeah, well no, but we're the best and brightest!" they stammered.
"D'you mind if we have a look around?" asked blue shirt politely.
"Not up to us." she said, and walked off. I think she expected me to follow, but I decided to sort these two eejits out first.
"Right then." they said, and started inspecting the bookshelves.
"Are you sure that you want to find it?" I asked.
"Yes!" they cried, and whipped around to stare at me,obviously thinking I had the answer.
"Why?" I asked.
"We would find the search interesting, and that it would be a real honor to find that most precious artifact."
"And the honest answer is?"
"Can you imagine how cool it would be?"
"I can see it now: Good-looking red-heads Fred and George find supposedly lost diadem..."
"Offered ten million galleons from the ministry for their brave search..."
"Noble, chivalrous, brave Weasley twins..."
"Gallant, handsome, courageous heroes with shining hair...
"Really, look at their HAIR..."
They launched themselves into an obviously rehearsed song about how great their hair was.
"The resplendent locks that pour from their heads..."
"That no-o-oh gi-irls (not one!) can resist!.."
"Their shimmering curls of fiery gold..."
"Ok! Ok, I get it! Make it stop!" I shouted. Quite a few people were staring at us then, so I motioned for them to be quiet.
"Will you two shut up?" I hissed, scowling at them.
They grinned idiotically.
"You were about to say something?"
"Yeah yeah,just come with me. And keep quiet!" I whisper-shouted.
I took them to behind the statue, trying to look inconspicuous.
"Look at the bottom, near her left shoe." I muttered.
They bent down comically, and gasped.
"What is it?"
"It says two kind-hearted heroes, that's us, right?"
"Does everyone know about it?" they kept asking questions until I clapped their jaws upwards. I motioned for them to come with me. I kept walking until we reached the black lake.
"I found it in my first year, when I went looking for the diadem. At first, I thought it was just graffiti, so I tried to rub it off, being my goody-goody self. But with each rub, it just got brighter, so I decided to inspect it more closely. Well, from what I knew of prophecies, this was one, and it was pretty much telling me that I wasn't going to find it alone. So I've kind of been lying in wait, and if two guys come looking for the diadem, I show them the prophecy. No one's been able to see it before,so I guess you're probably the two dudes it mentions."
Blue-shirt whistled, long and low. Green-shirt just grinned and said: "Let the quest... BEGIN!"