|Chapter 16

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I woke up to,find me in the back of the car. My head was on Luke's lap(on a pillow) and my feet were on Beau's lap." Good morning beautiful." Luke said." What's going on?" I asked him while yawning and sitting on his lap." Nothing." He said." Bu-" before I could say anything he kissed me. He slowley pulled away and stared forward. I puty hands aroumd his neck,rested my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. He rubbed his hands in a circular form around my back. It felt good. I kissed his neck and he smiled. I smiled also. A few minutes later the car stopped." I'll be right back baby." Luke said and with that he kissed me and was out of sight. Only me,Ariana and Skip were in the car." What's happening?" I asked. Ariana explained the story to me and my mouth was shaped like a 'O'." I hope they are ok!" I said." Dont worry. They will be fine." Skip said and winked at me. I have NO IDEA what that was about......? I just went on my phone,had 'Baby I' by my Beautiful sister on repeat,and was looking at pictures of me and Luke. I miss him. I hope he is safe.

About 40 minutes later the boys ran in." We killed them!!" Beau said and everyone started cheering. What? Someone was trying to kill my brother so THANK GOD they killed them. Luke sat down in his origianal spot and I sat in mine,wich was his lap. He kissed my lips passionatly and smiled inbetween the kiss. I love when he does that. We slowly pulled away." You missed me?" He asked while smirking." Duh." I said. I pulled my phone out and sat straight(since I was sitting side ways on his lap) and texted Liam. Luke rested his chin on my shoulder and looked at my phone. He snatched it and looked at our text messeges. He then gave my phone back to me and looked out the window.

Some time passed by and I asked Luke what was wrong." What's wrong Lukey?" I asked him with a frown." I feel like you like Liam and he is gonna take you away from me. But I dont want that to happen. Your the only thing that makes me smile and is worth waking up for. Caterina Grande Butera,would you be my girlfriend?" Luke asked." Yes!!" I said and kissed him. I layed my head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped mine around his. He stared to sing to me. I drifted of to sleep.


I woke up to a smellof pancakes."oooooh pancakes!!" I said. I walked towards the smell to see Jai making them." Mmm,that smells good." I said." Thank you." He said. Ariana was already up. I gave her a big hug. She hugged back." Why are we so tiny?!" I asked." I have no clue." Ariana said. We both giggled. I was walking to get some water when someone put there hands on my waist and hugged me from behind." Hi Luke." I said and turned around. He kissed me." Good morning Babe." He said. His accent is so cute!! I pinched his cheeks." Awww. I love all of your accents." I said,talking to all of them. They all blushed. Well everyone exept Jai & Ariana. They were sitting together watching YouTube videos. They are so cute. I felt sick so I went back upstairs and layed down. Australia is so pretty. I just went on Twitter and tweeted some fans. They all knew me and Luke were dating.Beau came up to my room."So.......do you like Australia so far?" He asked me." Yeah...It's real pretty." I said with a smile. I was sitting on my bed still playing with my phone then he kissed me. I tried pushing him off but he just held my hands back. Luke walked in." Beau! What the Fuck!!" Luke yelled at Beau. He punched Beau in his lip and Beau held it then he punched back. They started fighting." Stop!! Please Stop!!" I yelled at them and was tugging on them. Then I saw Beau's fist come close to my eye then I blacked out.


"Beau! I hate you!!" I yelled at Beau.I picked Cat up and Layed her in my car. I looked at her eye. It was black & blue,well was getting Black & Blue." Beau, get in the car!" I told him. He came in. He had guilt written all over his face. It's his fault. He knew we were dating. He saw us kiss earlier. But he doesnt care." Im just here for Cat. Not you. I dont even like you." Beau said." I dont care." I said. We just sat in silence. Finally,we arrived at the hospitol. I carried Cat and took her to the emergancy room. They x-rayed her and said her right eye part of her skull was kinda messed up. She has to stay there for 1 month. They also said she was in a coma. I had tears in my eyes. I couldnt believe what happened. Before I left I kissed Cat's forehead. We went home and walked in." Is she ok?!" Ariana said." No. Her right eye skull is messed up and she is in a coma." I said while biting my lip trying not to cry. I miss her. I want her. I need her." Beau!! I hate you!! I knew I should have Never came!! I wish I protect her. But why? Why, did you do it?!" Ariana fell on the floor and cried. I just went to my room and looked at my dresser. It had a white frame with a picture of Me & Cat on our first date. I picked it up and held it to my heart. A tear slipped out of my eye. I put the picture,carefully under my bed and went to sleep. 


Hiiiiii. Here is an update.




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