The Date

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The above picture is Rose

This is Hope's Pov

The wind feels lovely on my skin as I run down the street. I love going for a run to start my day. The sunlight just peeking from the trees afraid to show its face. I take slow deep huffs as I stop to take a break. Deciding that I'm already late I head back home only to run into someone. 

"Uff oh my god I'm so sorry I'm just a klutz." I say shyly. 

"Don't worry about it I was the one daydreaming about supernatural." 

"Oh cool I love that show who's your favorite character?" I say realizing I'm still on the ground I hop up only to fall back down. The goddess without a name giggles and helps me up. 

"My favorite character is Charlie, what's yours?" 

"M-Mine is Charlie too she is so funny and beautiful." I say with a shaky voice. 

"My name's Rose by the way." Rose how beautiful it fits perfectly with her black hair and green eyes. I notice a pendant around her neck it looks like a red rose. It shines a-top her pale skin. 

"My name is Hope." I say sweetly. 

"Nice to meet you Hope," she says and she studies me. I involuntarily shiver when I see her looking at me. She laughs only making my cheeks grow pink. 

"Hey do you maybe wanna come over later to watch some of season 6 with me?" She states rather asks. 

"Sure where do you live?" I ask with a slight jumpiness in my voice. 

"Oh right around the corner on Jackson St."

 "Ok see you then." I give her a small smile. 

"Can't wait sweet heart." She winks and walks off. Leaving me standing there with a goofy smile.

Ahhhhh first chapter I'm so excited. This book is dedicated to my bestie Renae.

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