Luke Hemmings #1

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Luke Hemmings Imagine for Amber (@pinkbubblebubble98)

*Amber's POV*

I couldn't help the tears that streamed down my face. I shouldn't have let myself fall for him in the first place. I shouldn't have let him take my heart and rip it in two. It had been two months since Luke, my best friend in the whole world left with his band, 5 Seconds of Summer, to open up for One Direction on their Take Me Home tour. Just two months and he had already seemed to have forgotten about me, his best friend since birth, the girl who needed him right now more than ever.

He said I could go to him for anything but now I knew I couldn't. Not with pictures of him kissing some girl circling the internet.

But I needed him more than ever. The fighting was growing worse each day. I knew it was only a matter of time before my parents finally got the divorce that ruined my life forever, but he wasn't there to help me through all of this. He hadn't even so much as texted me since. I wish he would just realize how horrible it was.

And then as I sat on my couch, staring at the blurry images on the television in front of me, I had to ask myself the obvious questions. How could I have expected him to be their for me? He was fucking famous now! He wouldn't have time for his best friend.

"Best friend..." I scoffed into the empty room. My parents were upstairs already. And just to prove it the yelling began. I couldn't even tell what it was about but I was sure it was a stupid reason. They were all stupid. Things like whether or not my mom did the dishes or if my dad took the trash out. Everytime I heard it, my heart ached more and more. Every word they said seemed to be worse and worse.

And now as I heard my own name enter their argument I couldn't help but run out of the house into the chilly Sydney night air, my tears still blinding me. I needed to get away from it all. And I knew where I was going.

The Hemmings house had always been like a second home to me. Liz had always been like a mom, able to comfort me through anything. If Luke wasn't around to help, I at least needed Liz. She could help me through this. She always knew the right words to say.

My feet carried me down the street to the familiar large house. The lights were on still, luckily it wasn't too late. I shivered in my thin tanktop and old shorts. Definitely not something suitable to wear for this weather. My fists knocked on the red door, lightly, my whole body seeming to shake. I was sure that no one was going to hear it but soon the door was swinging open and I was caught in the gaze of the familiar blue eyes that I had fallen in love with.

"Amber?" He sounded shocked. Almost as if he couldn't believe I was standing in front of him. I was in shock myself. He was supposed to be in America! What the hell was he doing here? I felt my heart clenching in pain at seeing him. I had to take the few steps backwards, afraid of being to close to him. Of feeling the love I thought I was almost over. "What's wrong, Amber? Why are you here?"

The way he said, as if he didn't want me here, hurt. It made me feel like shit even more than I did before.

So I took the final steps off of his porch and begin running again, barely aware of the rain pouring down on me and him yelling after me. I couldn't stop my feet, no matter how much my lungs burned or my dry throat cried in agony. How could he look at me like that? how could not feel the guilt he should've been feeling? How could he make me fall for him then just leave me to deal with the hell known as my life?

"Amber! Wait!"

I was about to keep running when I slipped and fell on the wet concrete, my body giving up on me completely. I couldn't breath, couldn't stop the tears. All I could do was raise myself to my knees and bury my face in my hands.

"Amber," Luke whispered from next to me. I felt his hand rest on my shoulder but I only jerked it away, not wanting him to touch me. "Amber, please just listen to me. I thought you hated me. You never texted me or called me anymore."

"Bullshit," I whispered, feeling the shaking of my body growing worse from the cold rain soaking through me. "I told you this would happen. And you promised you would never leave. Look where we are now." With every word I spoke, my voice rose an octave until I was just yelling in his face, my fists clenched. "You fucking told me you would be there for me through everything! Where were you when my dad lost his job? Where we you when Trenton cheated on me? Where were you when the fighting began to get worse and worse? Where the fuck were you, Luke, because it sure as hell wasn't helping me when I needed you the most!" My voice cracked and again I was sobbing uncontrollably in the middle of the road.

I felt him wrap his arms around me and I let him, not having the strength to pull away. "Amber, I am so sorry. I never should've left. You're right. I was a dick. I knew things were bad with your family. I knew I didn't trust Trenton. But I still left." His words made my heart ache and I felt bad for making him feel this guilty. "I was jealous though. Amber, I-I was mad. I didn't mean to stop trying to be your friend. I just hated the thought of you and Trenton together, b-because I'm in love with you. I always have been."

I couldn't believe what he was saying. Was my mind making this all up? Was I finally going crazy? Maybe I was getting sick and hallucinating everything. But at that moment it didn't matter. I had always wanted to hear him say those words.

"W-what did you say?"

"I'm sorry, Amber. I shouldn't have said that." He began to panic, thinking I didn't like him back. He was so wrong it wasn't even funny. I finally stopped the sobs, rubbing my eyes to see the hurt expression on his face. His blonde hair was dripping and his clothes were drenched through, just like my own. I couldn't help but to smile at him, and how cute he looked right then, the blush on his cheeks as he stared at his hands.

"I-I love you too, Luke."  His eyes shot to me. My smile widened as he slowly grinned, a real one, something I hadn't seen in their videos in a long time. Something I missed.

"You mean it?" He smiled cheekily at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Just shut up and kiss me." He pulled me forward, our lips conecting. It would be a lie if I said I felt sparks. I felt more than that. I felt fireworks as our lips moved in perfect sync, our bodies fitting together like a puzzle piece. Right there in the rain, all of my dreams had finally come true, in one of the most romantic ways posibble, making me believe that finally things were going to be okay for me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2013 ⏰

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