chapter two

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Here we go again.... Another day he has to work on my birthday. Another day he has go work on holidays. And again another day we drift and fall apart. I don't always argue when it comes to this most days I just sit and watch TV but today was... Today was just different. I remembered something I forgot alongside things he's done in the past but this just couldn't be held in. So here is the beginning of what I have to say on it just don't be offended at what you hear I can be pretty vulgar when agitated. I woke up early which is something far from normal cause I really like sleeping till noon but a dream woke be around 3am and I couldn't go back to sleep. A few hours of laying in the bed awake pondering what will happen today later and I finally got up. Of course it was only to make coffee and take a shower but still. Nathan was still asleep unaware of what was waiting for him today. I caught myself thinking in the shower about an old girlfriend he had. It was weird cause I couldn't remember her name just her face. That was until something on the television reminded me of it sadly I have short term memory loss so it didn't help. It wasn't Brianna it was something else I just couldn't put my finger on it. I keep trying to figure it out and then it hits me. I remembered an argument me and him had a while back about her on my birthday. Yeah talk about timing anyways... I brought her up (name still slipping my mind rn) and then all I can remember saying was "Nathan its either her or me, you wanna go around with her do it but you will lose me ask my brother. He knows damn straight I'm not the type to mess with and so do you. If you want to keep getting your heart broken every fucking day by all means but I can't sit here and watch it. I love you but I will not subject myself to such punishment as to watch you throw away years for some bimbo who only hurt you now choose wisely there is no second chance." He chose me of course but the words he spoke were like daggers to my heart. " If you know me as you think you do there is no fucking choice. It was you then, it is you now. Yeah I am her friend and I talk to her big fucking whoop." I cut him off thinking are you kidding me man ? "Big whoop?!? That's all you have to say when you are so pissed you can't see straight when y'all talk or you just can't even see why you are living right ?!?! You know what you can have her and your big whoop too" I remember having so much anger towards that and not being able to not cry so I just walked out but he grabbed my by my waist and hugged me close even tho I had tears so bad I couldn't see two feet ahead. " baby I didn't mean it like that. The big whoop was about her. I don't wanna lose you and I never meant to hurt you. You are my one true gal and I'm not gonna let anyone take you away especially not a tramp like that. I love you." That was the first day I remember falling for him completely. I remember the fact he litterally Put his life in danger just to save me. I miss those days now its just a idk whatever you wanna do this of situation. But every now and again he surprises me. Today would be ten years we have been together but also ten years tomorrow since my mom passed away. Little did I know he remembered it like the back of his hand. Like I said full of surprises but still. Something was odd about today. I didn't feel like it was my birthday I mean I'm 24 today. I felt sick. I woke Nathan up throwing up so he took the day off to take me to the doctor which might I add he knows I hate going there even tho I work in a lab. He held my hand through the waiting room and let me lay my head on his shoulder. By the time they called me in I was asleep in his lap. He carried me in there which might I add was amazing. By the time I woke up they had done all the tests and Nathan told him my symptoms. He pays very close attention when im sick and has for about a month which was weird cause my period didnt come this month. Anyways it was a cute doctor about 30-35 brown eyes blonde hair sorta muscular build. Although he was cute I only had eyes for Nathan ,whom which had been holding my hand the entire time. The doctor came back with the results and what he said made me so happy yet scared to death. "Annabella Marry?" I answered "that's me?" He says "your test results are in and you are a very healthy young lady." I cut him off " yes I know that but why am I throwing up and always dizzy" he chuckled "you are pregnant with twins silly its normal. " Nathan and I glance back at eachother and are in sync "WHAT?!?" Well no wonder my period had been late and I was sick all the time but still it's been. Dang it has been about a month since me and Nathan had sex. Eh Just another chapter in life for us.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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