earbud boy

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i look over and see a teenage boy with a blank stare. he seems uninterested in everything around him; lost in thoughts. his hair is blonde and sweeped to the side. he must have put gel in it this morning. he is wearing tan pants and a black jacket. it is evident he spent time on his appearance. he has one earbud in, playing loud rap music. i wonder why his music is so loud. is he trying to drown the people around him out, or his thoughts? he spends his time designing different shoes on his laptop. i wonder how important these shoes are to him. what does he want to be when he grows up? i imagine him growing up and making shoes like the ones he's designing. living in a small apartment and making a life around this small hobby of his. he pulls out his phone and responds to text messages. i wonder who he is talking to. i wonder how much those people mean to him. he didn't seem urgent to reply.

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