Today. Like actually Today

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Right now Im witting in the lunch cafeteria with my good friend Ev. Today so far has been okay. Still embarassred and sad about yesterday though. In science I went up to talk to G another girl we'll call Nj and Mg.
"We still have to shove Mg into the locker three times," I heard Ng say.
"What?" I asked.
"If we shove Mg into a locker three times he has to make out with L." They said. My heart sank. I would actually die seeing him make out with her.
"She probably wouldn't anways," Mg said and shrugged. I would have. I would have loved that ish up! Ew that sounds creepy. This boy has no freaking idea how much I like him. Its aggravating and depressing at the same time. Ugh I cannot see them makeout. The rest of science was okay and math was unbearable as usual. What's new? I should probably go I'll update when I get home.

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