part 2

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 I love art and the woods to it always looks so nice and pretty but today it looks some how off and it smells bad I think im going to go to the lake today in stad ......"snap"   shit what was that was  that what I think it is.... why * da F*  are 2 boys out here and what are they doing  wtf are you doing out here I yell out to them but they don't do or say any then hey you fuckers why are you out here I yell again but lawder and the taller one looks at me then stars  running to me so fast like in 1 sec he was in front of me and before he was just 20 feet away from me  .....why are you here ...GIRL  ...I...I..come here to do my art  ....w...w...why are you here I say shyly to him as my back hits the tree im out here for the same resign but im also out here for food and you look really taste right now  why don't you come with me and we can have some fun ha ha ha ha he said in a deep tone as he liks the blood from his lips in a ass hole kind of way  noooo I well never go with you ass hole  I say ... but noo he still pecked me up and run with me in his arms and his brother  not far away from him ... what are with these boys now a days  like why are they so weird and creepy but cute /hot looking    like why cant they just be nice funny weird but not too weird week later...... I have been with the dolan twins for one week now and all they do is   smoke weed and have what they call *Fun* with ugly girls  like how can they look at those girls and call them pretty and hot and cute  like im right here  like bruh ....any ways  ....late lee they have been nice to me but when  Ethan is drunk he is really mean and hits me and try's  to have *fun* with me  but Grayson stops him and then he takes me out for a walk ....I have never had Grayson hit me or be mean to me like Ethan has before ..... but.....and then it happened one day Grayson came home and he was mad like really really mad his eyes were all black  Grayson are you ok I say hugging him  but he just  take me off of him and im all like bro like wtf man im sorry for trying to be all nice and try to make you a happy like i was going to even buy you a bottle of  apple juice to but noo not now   .. to be for real with you i want to know why you are so sad and mad like what happened gray ......well ... flash back      ... i was going to my tour bus and i saw ethan and he was sad and was cutting himself  and crying he saw me but did not stop and i said what about alex dont you think she will mess you if you keep doing this like i know that you like her and she is the one then that makes you happy now .....*but grayson* he said in a sad tone  noo dont* but grayson* me ok just stop doing this to yourself like you are making me and her cry about you and stop drinking too..   like we love you and need you Ethan ... o...oh.... i...d...did not know she needed me and you i thought you hated me well yeah but in a brotherly love kind of way  ... least go home ok  ... oh .....ok ....... i love you bro  ok i hope you know that  yeah sure you do  ha ha ha ok then   bro  like do you love me or not ha ha ha i do but i can be mean to you sometimes  ...but i will always love you   .... ok well can we go home but we need to go get alex from dance  ...    on the way home  we were  going to timmy's and we saw jacob sartorius   and i was all like   OH...MY....GOD  YAAAS ITS JACOB  SARTORIUS he's one of the 14 magcon  boys ok alex just calm down ok NOOO IT'S FREAKING JACOB SARTORIUS   but  calm down   alex :::: ok fine but can we get some food  from   Pizza house ...  ok fine oh and .....HEY jacob  oh...hey grayson and ethan who is this cutie pie  omg he said   i'm a cutie pie ethan i whisper to him  yes you are he said in a baby voice   and i die out of laughter  and so do grayson and jacob and then ethan just keeps doing the voice  and they out of nooo where all of the magcon boys come over to us and they tell me about how they are bff with the dolan twins and im like noo way these poo poo heads are bff with the magcon boys just no way  yeah we are ..... ok then ""  cameron just show her the video of magcon where we were there   ...the video plays ...... omg you where in magcon and are bffs with the magcon boys wow that's so cool  well i have to go get some food for at home and then go do my workouts but if you guys won't you can come to  alex you work out ... yeah i do but you too are never home or at the gym when i am so you never knew   ...ok so lego then ........ gray can i drive alex you can not... why grayson is it because i'm 5'2 and you are 6'00 so you can see over the wheel  and i can barely see ...   over it   yes that is why oh and you suck at it to but idc  really is this all why mmhh you suck hahahaha ok then if you say so  whatever Grayson I just want food ok so lets go get some  oh yeah btw you guys can come to if you want to come hehehe  oh ok thanks alex we would love to come with yall  oh okay yay  then lets get out a here the car ....move over Jacob like blake is right on me bacueas you well not move over  mmhhh ok fine I well move over ...Jacob moves over closer to me oh hi are they ok now ... Jacob move more .. he gets all the way over then puts his hand on my thigh thinking  it  was an armrest but it was my thigh   mmm Jacob there is no armrest here ........ really then what is my hand on  there he looks at were his hand is and his faces is really red and then looks at my face to see that its just as red as his then all of the boys start giggling and then I put my hand on his but moved it  on to my lower thight all most to my knee  and start to join the boys as they giggling ...........

idk why I made this book tbh its funny but dumb so I might start a new book on this page ..

so I know you all might not know me but I'm Cameron and I'm in gr10  and I'm the cool kid of the high school but only one kid hates me but I get why ...>.>     hi I'm alex the kid that hates Cameron and his dumb group  it is all bc of how I was dumb and thought that his one friend was ok to talk to about how I liked Cameron at the start of high school little know it was the Cameron from my gr1 to 4 year who hated me and dated my bffs

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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