So close

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Now its back to the girls it has been about 4 days and the girls have been trying to find out who it is so they separated into 2 groups one with emily,aria and Hannah  and the other with spencer and mona weird i know
Mona's POV:
Right so me and spencer are working on two cases being the cleverest people in this dollhouse apart from Charles.i think emily is the one to go knocked up but spencer thinks its aria strange.right now were in her room looking at the evidence .right spence what do we have ...mona said
Well mona we have the fact that emily gets drunk just as much as hannah remember that one time we had to stop her from sleeping with that weirdo haha spencer laughed
I remember anyway thats a huge possibility but Emily doesn't look pregnant mona questioned
I know this is going to be hard...

Aria's POV:
Why don't we go around saying who we think is pregnant ill go first mona
Mona hannah proudly states
Spencer emily said
Both of the girls turned around and looked at her like she was crazy.
Spencer your not serious are u??
Hannah begged
Think about it Spencer being acting strange she slowed down and why isn't she on are group emily said
Well maybe because she trusts mona ... Aria why aren't u saying anything!!
I actually am thinking it might be spencer poor Spencer i should have seen this coming the amount of times her and toby are Together am shocked she didn't get knocked up sooner the amount of times I've warned her i never thought it would be her.  
  It could be spence and thats what I'm scared about
SERIOUSLY I CANT BELIVE  U TO fine look theres one way to find out we sneak into her room and find the test with mona hannah worriedly said

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