Chapter 1: The Dead of Night

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You walked down the stone pavement, shivering. It was cold out and there wasn't much you could do about it. After all, how were you supposed to know it was going to rain? Now there were no stars in the sky, nor a moon to illuminate it. You sighed, crossing the road, ready to open the door to your apartment already. Living in city streets like these was awkward ever since the monsters from Underground appeared. You keep your distance.

You never try conversing with any monsters because it makes you feel like you're being judged, somewhat, for every action. You were always afraid of being racist as well. Well, night went on, you were crossing the road. But what you didn't see was what was on that road. On the sidewalk, there was an apparently drunk skeletal figure. You thought it was just a drunkie who died, but why would the corpse have been out here so long? Upon closer inspection, you came to the conclusion that it was a monster.

You glanced around, unsure of what to do. Would they be mad if I took them in or would they be rather thankful? Hhhhh... You thought a while, then decided. You picked up the monster, who was difficult enough to carry, considering he was taller than you. You struggled up the stairs of your apartment to get home. You rummaged around your bag to find the key.

You grinned happily after finding it. "Finally," you would mutter under your breath. You unlocked the door and then practically kicked it open. Yawning, you brought the skeleton to your white sofa and placed him onto it. He or she, more likely a he judging by the appearance, seemed to have no clue about what was going on. He was way too drunk to objecting to you just taking him off into you house like that. You grinned and went to get a blanket.

You threw the black, fluffy blanket over his form and locked the door in your living room, going to your own room for a good sleep. He would probably want an explanation for all of this after he woke up, all hung over, you would think to yourself. So, you turned out the lights and flopped down onto your bed, lazily tugging at your blanket to put it over yourself. Dreams here I come, ha ha ha...

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