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A/N: This wouldn't have been possible without the help from, @youshouldbeproud . 


~Hunter xx.

trigger warning please don't continue if depression, self harming and suicide will trigger anything.


When people you know passes it feels unbelievable. You don’t know what to think and who to even talk about it to. You don’t know why they died or why they couldn’t stay. You just want them to be right there next to you, but you know that they will be right there with you even if you can’t see them.

Everyone who lives never has a date set for when they are supposed to die, but everyone has to expire eventually and you don’t know when that time is exactly. You just have to live everyday to the fullest because you never know when you won’t see the next day.

Death can come in an instant or it could take time. But, everyone is different when they die, they could die from the same disease and all, but, everyone is different.

People die from suicide or just from being sick for so long and their body just couldn’t handle it anymore.

Now, let me take you back to when everything was better, and when the boy was still alive.

Time set, it’s the year 1999 and there is a boy sitting by himself watching the others. It’s not like he wasn’t a very friendly boy, no one just ever tried to befriend him. All they ever did to him was make fun of him and he never knew why.

They would make fun of his hair, his voice, and they way he squinted his eyes when he was focusing on an object. It was horrible and he would go home to his mother crying because it was so bad, but what he didn’t know was that there was another boy who would watch him.

The boy would always sit directly across the park and watch the boy in wonder. He would wonder why he was the way he was and why he didn’t have the friends he wanted. He always wanted to approach the boy but he never had the bravery to. He would just watch him like he always does, but he knew one day that he would need him and he didn’t think it would be this soon.

As he watched the boy, someone comes up to him and pushes him hard onto the ground. He yells something that he never wanted to hear come out from someone’s mouth. He clenches his fists and stomps over to where the boy was being yelled at.

“Why don’t you just leave him alone?!”

“What is this, the little faggot’s boyfriend?”

“No, I don’t know who he is. But, what has he ever done to you?” The boy doesn’t know what to say. “That’s what I thought, now fuck off.” The boy just stomped off and all the boy could think was that was easier than he thought.

He averts his eyes back to the sobbing boy on the ground, “Are you alright?” He spoke as he bent down and put his arm out for him. The boy accepts the hand and brushes himself off of the dirt on his trousers.

He looks up to the helpful boy and utters a sly, “Thank you.”

“No problem, well I must be off. I’ll see you around!”

“Wait! I didn’t catch your name,” The broken boy spoke as the boy who helped him ran off. He never asked him his name, and he starts to wonder whether or not the kid wanted to tell him his name.

A few years passed and the boy kept saving him, but he never quite told him his name. Every night the broken boy would lock himself up in his room and just cry. He wants to know why the boy never told him his name and why he never stuck around long enough to talk to him.

Broken-Larry AU One-ShotWhere stories live. Discover now