Threat by Eleanor

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Louis POV

I woke up to the most beautiful girl and she is only mine and I love her and nothing and I mean nothing well become me and her.

Louis I heard Brittney say. Yes love. Oh nothing she just smiled and feel back alsleep.

LOUIS! Harry yelled. I ran downstairs because I did not want to wake Brittney she would honestly kill me.

What hazza I was sleeping with Brittney! We have to go to an interview!

Oh shit i forgot about that! Go damnt I yelled. I but have scared Brittney because she came running down with tears in her eyes

Brittney what is wrong,love. She just turned away from me and walked off into Niall room

Niall POV

I was watching Doctor do little. Untill someone came barging into my room crying.... Brittney.

Holly crap Britt what is wrong did Louis I hurt u I sware- Niall! Nothing happend between me and him. Then why in the hell are u crying for

Because Eleanor called me last night and Threatened me because I stol Louis from her! That is when I broke down I was crying.

Of Brittney come here. Shh calm down u know that is not true Louis love u

I hope u are right ni. Oh I am!

Louis POV

What the fuck did I do wrong Harry! Boobear calm down I'm sure she had a nightmare and went to talk about it with Niall. But she is my girlfriend not Nialls! Boobear she- but Harry was cut off my Brittney coming down here with Niall

Brittney come here. She turned around and come running into my arms. Man I'm glad she was not mad at me! So Brittney why did u Coke down here crying.

Louis sit down for this. And that is what I did

Flash back for Brittney

I was watching tv playing a a game with the boys when my phone beeped it was unknown


Hi is this Brittney?

Umm.ya who is this

No need but u better stay away from Louis or else

Or else what

U well regret coming to this world or Louis world!

Who the fuck is this!


No- but she hung up

End of flash back

So that is why I was crying Lou because Eleanor scared the fuck out of me when she was telling me to stay away Lou. I..I.. Don't want to..lose u

aww,love u we'll never lose me.

Childhood memories I see u knowHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin