Your pregnant(dan)

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Breathe.... just breathe... you think as your trying not to be sick.... your not in the mood to be sick, and your kinda TO dressed up to be sick over a toilet. Your wearing a red ball gown with red stilettos, your going to some sort of event and had Dan choose the dress. But me and Dan have to be there in less than thirty minutes and if you get into a cab your not going to looking pretty for all the vloggs.
"Maybe I shouldn't go?" You whisper as your knees start to get sore from the cold, hard tile. "But Dan would show up without a date and everyone will be asking him where I am, even the fans in the comments of all the vloggs.

I felt perfectly okay as I was getting ready it was as I sprayed my perfume I felt sick, but I love that perfume! It doesn't make sense. I think I'll call Zoe and see what she says. Maybe it's my period, I have been late for about a month or two, but that always happens to me. She is in London for this YouTube event thing... staying with Joe.

I stand up and brush my teeth again once I am done, fix my dress and go call Zoe...

"Hi (y/n)! You on your way? You would never believe the decor here!" Zoe says as she answers my call.

" Hi Zoe! That's why I called you because I don't know if I should go anymore, I was just nearly sick and it came out of no where! But maybe it's just my pre period cramps and nausea but so far no cramps... and I'm two months late so ... I don't want to show up with Dan after the taxi ride only to be sick you know?" I responded.

"Two months you say?" She asked. "Yes. Whats that got to do with it?" I questioned the random fact she pointed out.

"Anything else odd the past few months? Sickness normal? Feeling bloated? Hungry?" She inquired. "Yea actually, but those are normal for my period." I say curious as to what she is saying now.

"Okay, sit down because this might be a shocker, I just got to get out of ear shot of everyone and anyone to tell you. Give me a moment." She says and you hear rustling and quiet excuse me and hellos saying she'll see them later.

You go and sit on Dans bed, and take of your heels as to let your feet breathe... screw it your wearing (favorite shoes that are socially acceptable). You then let out a sigh as you are curious and slightly worried at what Zoe thinks is wrong. Why couldn't she say it in front of anyone? Is it bad? Am I sick? Do I need to see a doctor? Do I need to call the ambulance? Should I send Dan for medicine? Speaking of Dan he is probably in his browsing position while Phil left a while ago to hang out with Louise.

"Hey (y/n) I'm back! Took a while sorry!!" You hear Zoe's sweet voice coming out of your phone.
"Hi Zoe, am I going to die?" I ask as a joke because obviously she couldn't say it there and made a big deal to move out of earshot.
"Oh no no no! Your probably going to live, once you get over the shock." She responded laughing then turning serious.

"I'm ready, but it can't be that bad Dr. Suggest." I say trying to laugh of the nervousness of what Zoe said, also reminding myself that she's no doctor and this is just a normal girls opinion and whatever it is I'm fine.

"You may be expected a child soon." She says.
"What?" I ask confused on how that happened but shocked.
"You have a bun in the oven"
"What?!" I say louder.
" You're pregnant! I don't know how else to say it!" She responded, frustrated.
"No no I got that part... but dude me? Give birth? No. Me take care of a kid for a while? No. Me take care or a kid 24/7? No. Me take care of a kid for 18+ years? No. Me have a child? No. Zoe I'm not parent material!" I whisper shouted not exactly wanting Dan to overhear and find out that way.

"You'd be a wonderful parent! Your so original and not boring, your the perfect mix of involvement and setting free!" Zoe says. "Well how do I know for sure..." I question not really wanting to say the p word... to soon.
"We get you a test but in the meantime tell Dan and you should come to the event!" Ok... this is happening... how do I tell Dan? Ok umm...
"Bye Zoe I'll text you if I go" I say a good bye to Zoe not wanting to leave her hanging. She responded with a goodbye and got back to her night. Now to tell Dan. Kanye help me!

Yay my first imagine!!!!!! Ok part two on its way!!!! Maybe idk... comment if you want, whatever you want...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2016 ⏰

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