Chapter 1

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Snow fell heavily the year the Princess was born. The Queen had longed for a child, wanting to be a mother she and the King tried and tried for years.  One day, it was announced throughout the Kingdom that the Queen is with child. The Kingdom was prosperous during these times,  celebrations where thrown in the child's honor. The snow came early in the season, and fell heavier each day. Time passed and the Queen gave birth to a Princess. Her skin was as white as snow, her lips as red as blood and her hair was ebony, her ice blue eyes some how made you warm. I remember the day the Princess was born, I was only a small child, no older than four, but I remember. I remember entering the room, silk sheets all around the room, a tired Queen clutching her child and a proud King inviting us in. 

"Ahh Constable Arthur! Come in, please come in."  Said the King. You could hear the happiness in his voice, his ushered us in giving me a pat on the back. 

I watched my Father walk towards the Queen, bowing to her and the new Princess. 

" Arthur, you need not bow for me." The Queen sang modestly. 

She looked behind my Father and notcied me, her eyes lit up.

"Ahh William, please come here my dear." She said excitedly, sitting up a little more.

"Please be careful my love." The King pleaded placing his hand on her shoulders helping her sit up. 

"I'm fine." She reassured him. 

"My Queen." I said, bowing. 

"William." She teased. 

I couldn't help but grin at her. The Queen, having no children and me having no Mother caused us to spend a lot of time together. I leaned forward a little more and looked at the beautiful baby laying in her arms. 

"What's her name?" I asked.

" Snow-White." She sang, smiling proudly.

"Snow-White." I repeated. 

The babie's eyes opened, and there was the girl with skin as white as snow, hair as black as ebony, lips as red as blood, but it was the blue in her eyes that held your heart, my heart specifically. I stared at the baby until it was time to leave. I felt protective of her.

A week later, the Queen was found deceased in her chambers. The King was devasted and the Princess was naive to the loss the Kingdom was suffering from. The Castle's pharmacist tried to save the Queen, but she was too weak from child birth. 

The Queen was buried in the Royal cemetery. She was layed to rest in a white gown and pearls. It was a quiet day in the Kingdom, for the Queen was adored by all. Women weeped and children were confused, men worried about the state of the King and the future of the Kingdom. I was worried about the Princess. I was standing beside my Father, who was standing beside the King. I stared at the Princess, who was crying in her Father's arms. Though she was a baby, I felt like she understood. I watched as the Queen was layed to rest. I was too young to know that I lost my mother, so for me this was like losing my mother for the first time. I was crying when my Father looked down at me, he wrapped his arm around me.

A month later the King was still devastated over the loss of his Queen. The Kingdom was being threatened and war was on the way. I didn't see my Father much. I was left with the nanny and the Princess, my Father said I was too young to help yet. 

" How long is she going to sleep for?" I asked Nanny Eleanor looking into the Princess's cradle.

" Never make a sleeping baby, my child." She warned and she continued washing the dishes. 

" When will she walk?" I asked, still watching the sleeping Princess. 

" Months from now." She answered, drying dishes.

" When will she talk?" I asked, studying the Princesses lips. The perfect shape, they were so red.

Nanny Eleanor sighed deeply  " William, my dear." She reached out and ruffled my hair " In good time. Never rush a Princess." She joked and continued cleaning the dishes.

I sighed and walked away from the sleeping Princess. 

A year later on the Princesses birthday the Kingdom awoke, still not fully recovered from the loss of the Queen. A ball was thrown in the Princesses honor. Everyone was dressed up and the Castle was filled with music and dancing, exquisite food and drink were everywhere and the Princess was admired by all. All of the guests talked all night about how beautiful the Princess was. Even when we were both sent to bed, I knew they were still talking about her.

Soon the Princess was walking and talk, sort of . She would begin to walk and then fall down. I always followed her, so when she would fall I could catch her. Because when she fell she cried and when she cried it hurt me too.  We were in the King's thrown room one day. The King. My father, myself and the Princess. I was layed out on the floor and she was crawling all over me pulling my hair.

"Arthur, I would have never thought that William would take to the Princess so fondly." I heard the King say lowly.

" Yes my King, he is very fond of her indeed, protective too." My Father replied. 

"It's good to know I have someone I can trust with her. He will be a fine man and a fine man is what a Princess needs." 

"I couldn't agree more my King." My Father said proudly.

I know it's short guys, sorry about that. I promise the next update will be longer and better. I've decided that I need a little more time to think about the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2013 ⏰

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