(1) Ideas Sprung to life

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The clean strong smell of the facility hit me like a brick once I entered. Everyone as per usual was rushing to their places, speaking rapidly and constantly updating the computer input which everyone could see. It was meant for people to know where and what their designated places would be as here in the umbrella company we all played an important role.

I had no worry - well only worry over what I would need to present at the meeting, we had every friday. I was busy in my office trying to fix my name tag and struggling to maintain my hair up in its usual perfected bun. However another warning call from my dear mother had ruined that.

" Miss Collins??." I almost wanted to snort at the sound of my assistants shy tone. We've been working for 10 years now together and she's still shy.

How cute - more like unprofessional. She needs to learn to sound proud and confident.

I blinked. " What is it Marissa??."

She blushes. " Uhm. The meeting has begun and--"

I scowl. " --Hell. I just realized that! Thanks Marissa."

I bolt out of that room, trying to keep my breathing even as I enter the room and get shot with a bunch of expressionless faces. That pretty much lowers my confidence down to a zero and caused me to swallow harshly.

I place my things at the end of the table, the other workers surrounding around like a oval shape. I twirl a piece of hair which has gotten in front of my face behind my ear. I subconsciously wipe my hands on my jeans, clearing my throat and speaking.

" Gentleman I sincerely apologize for my tardiness. I hope you all have helped yourself kindly to the sweets laid out in front of you."

I motion with my hand towards the center of the table, where the sweets sit half touched.

" Now the reason I have called upon you all is because thanks to my group - Delta. We have - as you know been working on a very important research critical to the survival of humanity. A research that have no doubt will blow your mind set away. Now let's look at the main diseases that have yet to be solved, more importantly let's look at the main one."

The main boss sitting at the end of the table across from me lifts his eyebrow curiously. " Cancer?."

I smile widely. " That is correct, sir."

" No that's not possible. I thought we already checked off cancer as the unprecedented case." Someone in the crowd points out.

I pull up my diagram of the human body before speaking. " Alas, cancer is correct. You see we've been  looking through the facts of how to immediately stop this cancer thing. Which through that we failed to understand and glance deeper at the bigger part."

" You want us to cut open a person?? Been there done that." A few let out chuckles as Kingsbury mentions this.

I smirk. " None of that. As you mentioned that hasn't worked so please listen to what I'm saying. We've been throughly always trying to configure - understand this disease by trying to take it all on. By trying to find out how to rid of it we've been looking for a way to eliminate it wholly."

Aline raises his hand. " Miss Collins that is the only suitable way to do something. As you know."

I nod slowly. " Yes, but cancer has many parts to it many stages does it not?." They nod.

" Exactly many parts which cannot be taken head on. You see the cancer is always centered on a single place before it begins to spread to harm the host. Well if we prevent that, if we can contain the disease into one single area and go from there we can then spread the vaccine I call Xyv which in return freezes the capacity of a essence that does not belong in the human body. As it is frozen it allows the host to go into some sort of homeostasis as its body regulates and begins to dispose of the disease which can be rid of as it is in its most weakest state--"

The boss holds a hand up. " I have heard enough of this--"

I shake my head frantically. " Wait Sir, no please. This could be the start of something brillant. This could be the start of humanity finally achieving it's way towards invincibility. This could even achieve the success of human life increasing by as much as 30 years added to your average senior. Sir, this could change everything."

He seems to then ponder this, before speaking to those around him. I run a shaky hand through my frazzled hair as I wait anxiously for their reply.

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