blur of faces (poem 1)

16 2 3

white blur of faces,
sweeping the streets.
Pure black laces
with tick tacking beats.

head spinning,
slowly slipping away.
not always winning
not always her day.

She miss those days,
when she was joyful
and happy.

but now her days
just consist of silent cries
and pain

no happiness
no 'good days'
mostly crappy
and nothing to gain.

but she still puts a smile
on her face
to make people believe
that she's okay

but behind that smile
is a whole world of pain.

she screams out
"God somebody help me please"
yet no one seems to notice.

the tears and screams
her smile and laugh
the things that made her
a masterpiece

All gone in a matter of seconds
but no one ever noticed
how much pain she was really in.

Now that she's gone,
everybody acts like they noticed
but no attention was payed at all

oh damn...

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