Dear diary, March 13, 2016
Hey diary. I guess. So my grandma gave you too me because she thinks I need "someone to talk to", and apparently a diary is "someone to talk to".
So I guess I will let 'everything out' on here. I mean, when I read this out load it's kinda like therapy with myself. ...I guess.
So I guess I should introduce myself to you or diary. Whatever the hell "you" want to be called.
Wait, when you write in a diary...isn't it supposed to be IN not TOO? I mean it sounds like I'm talking to my diary. Oh well.
So I'm Dillion. Dillion Windmill. (I know my moms an idiot). And I live with my dad, mom, and two brothers.
I have my older brother named Drake. And he's a f*cking a**hole. And my other brother is two years younger,(Dillon) (14) and he's just an idiot. But I mean, I GUESS I love my brothers. I mean, they ARE my brothers. *mad face* and it's pretty weird how all of our names match up, but my moms insane soooooo....
Now my mom, she's about 36 I think. And she is a lawyer. And pretty nice actually TBH. I mean she's REALLY boring. Her favorite show is strawberry shortcake. YES FREAKING STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE....she has long brown hair and a face I guess.
My dad also has a face. And don't judge me...but TBH he's kinda hot. I know it's weird to talk about my dad like that....but he is! I mean...just look at him! *inserts picture below*okay okay...I might have forgot to mention a LITTLE dad is Brendon Urie. XD. And no. I'm not kidding. Now do I need to explain why I think he's hot!!?? *nosebleed*
I'm sorry. I'm just a gay hormonal teen. What do you expect?
Anyways, now to me. I am in band, and choir. And probably like every musical ever XD. I just happen to have a passion for music XD but I actually also have a passion for anime and art. I LOVE drawing and just watching anime all freaking day long. Oh, and American Horror Story of course. And I LOVE glee. *cries because it's over*. I mean KURT AND BLAINE ARE JUST SO PUDGING CUTE OMG.
OKay, so I actually taped a picture of me earlier so you know what I look like XD I'm a little EMO but I am ALWAYS changing my hairstyle. XD
Okay, so it's actually REALLY late and I hear my dad coming down the hallway to my room so I better put this away and "sleep". See ya later diary. I wonder what will happen tomorrow.
Authors note: okay, so if you enjoy then PLEASE make sure to vote for this so I know. And EXTRA PRETTY PLEASE comment and read the next chapter (I will probably be writing every chapter everyday or every 2 days because I am VERY busy because I am in the lion king XD) so I know if I'm doing good or maybe you could even tell me some of your OCs or ideas and I will put them in and mention you ;) .....thank you! Bye bye! ~Jasper