Chapter 2

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Suddenly some magical fabulously rainbow magic shit appered out of nowhere. Someone came out of the wall but it didn't look like Harry.
"Harry?" I alsked
"DARLING IM NOT HARRY IM METTATON!!!!!!" Yelled the thing that came out of the wall
I instantly fell in love with this strange thing.
"Mettaton?" I alsked
" fuck me" I said
Then they fucked for the rest of there lives
                The End
Hey I was lazy af and sence a lot of people (Mari) wanted me to make a part 2 I did so yeah I was bord and didn't know what to put as the pic so I put a METTATON leg. Idk why but audocorect changes mettaton to METTATON? Well there Harry styles is secretly a wall that turned into METTATON. Gfdhcsdahstj im mad at audocorect ☹️ well gn children and senpai

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