Frosted Dust Act 3

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"The end is only the beginning of the best friendships."

Frosted Dust


The End of the Beginning


Frost Manor, Present Day

"Jack," New Year wondered, looking around the room again, "Just how did Jamie come to have his own room here?"

"His mom had a few family things, some business trips for a new job, no dad you know. Then she hurt her back, had to have surgery. Sophie went to her Aunt's, and Jamie came here." Jack raised an eyebrow. "OK, OK! I cheated! She thought he was staying with Monty's family!"

They sat in silence for a little while, listening to the wind. The decaying house creaked as snow piled up on the windowsill.

"It's all falling apart," Jack sighed, "Three hundred years of being alone, in exchange for five good ones? I think I got cheated, Newbie!"

New Year said nothing at all.

"It happened on this date, you know," Jack went on, "That why you came?"

Newbie nodded at him.

"I know," Jack pulled a face, "Five years of weak winters for most of the world, none last year to speak of, and now..."

"Lingering autumn?" Newbie grinned.

"I just can't do it anymore," Jack said, his voice full of hurt, "Every time I pick up the Staff, I just... feel him, you know?"

"You put too much of yourself into him?" Newbie wondered.

Again, Jack nodded. "And the others. Maybe if they'd stop believing in me, I could just... fade away?" Jack wondered. He glanced at the Staff. "Isn't it about time for you to go? No pun intended, Newbie, but you've only got about eleven months to do your thing?"

New Year didn't take the hint.

"Jack, how'd it happen?" Newbie finally asked, and Jack went stiff. For the longest time, he didn't reply or even look at the boy. "Jack?" He repeated, realizing that he'd said the wrong thing.

"I don't want to talk about it!" Jack snapped, as one of the window panes burst, letting in an icy blast. "I've been trying to tell you all for the last year that I don't want to talk about it!"

"Jack, I didn't..."

"LEAVE!" Jack jumped up, pointing his Staff at the door, "Leave, before I do or say something we'll both regret!" He turned away. "I...I can't hurt ...another child," he then choked.

"You didn't hurt him, Jack," Newbie said softly, moving towards the door, and glancing at the dresser. In the small space between its side and wall stood a small hockey stick, and other gear. "You loved him?"

"Give my best to the Groundhog and the Leprechaun, and punch Cupid in the mouth for me," Jack muttered, wiping his nose on his sleeve. He turned to face his unwanted guest, took a step, then cried out, tripping over a box wrapped in blue and white paper, patterned in snowflakes. "OWWW!" Jack bent and grabbed his stubbed toe, swatting the box with his Staff. The box froze and broke open to reveal a black, plush, toy dragon with green eyes, no teeth, and one red tail fin.

"Goodbye then, Jack," New Year whispered, turning to go, as Jack picked up the toy and clutched it to his chest.

Jack Frost drew in a great breath, and sobbed. He sank back onto the bed, but this time, no crystal tears came. It was as if they'd all finally turned to dust, frozen dust, and dried up forever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2016 ⏰

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