:: Comfort ::

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Of all people he could be comfortable with, Robert felt safe and sound with a brat who had literally dropped through his bedroom window from the streets, and a snarky volunteer sent to exclusively watch over him.

In his previous profession as an agent, he would have never easily trusted the two. However in his more fragile state of health and his old age, Robert couldn't really turn to anyone for help. He blamed it on his ego, but it was also a known fact his frequent outbursts thanks to his temper could hurt the most durable people. The only people who had lasted were only Genesis and Hazel. The latter was willing to fight fair and get argumentative if she needed to; the former acted like a brick wall absorbing any of his tantrums without taking offense.

What Robert cherished about the two young people who stuck by his side was that he had both their understanding and support.

A week previously, he had faced one of the hardest hurdles yet he had to accept. It was his delayed monthly detailed check-ups; one of the times his private doctor would come in, and give him the verdict to how much time he had left. Ignorance may be a bliss at times, but Robert was not stupid to completely ignore a doctor with his last near miss with death. Inevitably, he'd to face the fact that he was running out of time.

"You have less than a year," his doctor stated with a straight face.

The former CIA agent may have wallowed in despair that day, but he was distracted by the presence of Hazel's hand rubbing circles on his back whispering soothing words, and Genesis' warm hand gripped him gently as if to say they were there for him. The revelation may have hit him hard if they weren't there beside him confirming his worst fears. In this case, Hazel and Genesis were protecting him from hurting himself, and he couldn't have anyone better.

Dr. Wright commented that day when both Genesis and Hazel went off to search for lunch , "They're young, but I think you can continue living a little longer better with their help. I'm glad you've found them."

Robert nodded feeling lighter than in days. "If you can, I'd like my last near-miss incident to be kept quiet from my son."

"You know I don't approve of that," the doctor frowned, "but I'll make that an exception... considering your mental health has shown improvements."

"They're civilians Wright, and I've been retired from where I work," Robert sternly said not wanting the two to get involved. "You're here only to check on me. No more or less."

Wright agreed understandingly with the nature of their real work, "Alright, I trust you're happy with your current arrangements. I haven't seen you be this protective since I've graduated from the academy and you were my boss."

"I haven't felt meaningful in a long while," the old patient admitted. "It's like they've given me my last purpose before I go."

Hearing the shuffles of Genesis and Hazel's steps coming back, Wright said, "Good. Let me know if you need anything. It's the least I could after you've helped me all these years."

Robert smiled. "I'll take your word for that."

SHIELD Agent Rhapsodos: A Part That RemainsWhere stories live. Discover now