Dr.Steven:Hello I'm Dr Steven
India:*Wakes up* What is it
Dr. Steven : I Have some good news. And bad news.
India: Oh no.
Onika :*hugs micheal oh no*
Chris: Doc what is it
Dr.Steven: Do you wanna hear Good or bad.
*Everyone GOOD*
Dr.Well it attempted that he had raped you corrected?
India: Right.
Dr. Well we did some exrays
*Everyone Go on*
Dr. Im afraid to say but you are pregnant.
Chris : :O
Micheal : IM THE UNCLE
India: How Am i suppose to say this to my mom
Chris: Who is the baby daddy??
Dr.Well you are
India:Yeah you are*kisses*
India: What gender is it
Dr. It Is...Twin girls
India: TWINS
Chris: Wow...
India: I gotta call my mom
Mom:Hi Honey
,India : Mom i have some good news and bad news.
Mom: what is it
India: Im pregnant and plus i having twin girls.
Mom: Omg That is a blessing congrats honey
India:Thanks mom gtg now*hangs up*
Mom is not mad anymore hmmmm