Why kids self harm themselves.

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Kids harm themselves cause they think that they are weak and that they don't belong and that they are worthless and think they have nothing better to do than hurt themselves. But that ain't the real reason parents think they do it cause it makes them happy but actually they do it cause ether they have been bullied or family problems.
       So I haven't finished this one cause I'm new to this whole bulling shit so I'm finding this off by saying there is this sexy ass dude named Dakota sorry if I butchered ur name but we started dating and he asked me on a date and I said yes we are going to go see zombie land 2 and I'm so excited.
      So I'm sitting in science and behind me I hear laughing so I turned around and they were pointing and laughing at me and i asked to go to bathroom and just started crying cause I that was my first time being bullied and I just get me.

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