Chapter 4:
3 months later.
Annie: Hi Duke...
Annie: I get if you dont want to talk but just.... I need to tell you something.
Duke: What is it Annie.
Duke: Or should I expect no answer for 3 and a half moths?
Annie: Duke...
Duke: If your going to apologise dont bother. Just tell me what you need to tell me then leave me alone and delete my number.
Annie: Duke I have 1 month left to live.
Duke: Wh-what?
Annie: I have a type of cancer and its terminal. Ive been given 1 month to live.
Duke: Why didnt you tell me?
Annie: Because I love you (UNSENT)
Annie: I dont know.
Duke: You cant leave me. I love you so much and i always have (UNSENT)
Duke: Well. Is this goodbye?

The Texts
Short StoryIm not good at descriptions... Why don't you just read my book? Oh and by the way I have the whole book written in advance so its technically already finished :)