Daggers pt.2

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((a/n: guess who's back,back,back. Back again, gain, gain. New chapter (finally I know) for you guys. Remember that comments=motivation. Love you guys. ^-^ ))

Merlin slipped his dark cloak over his shoulders as he headed for the door. The knights had trained earlier that day, but now in the darkness of night, it was his turn. Merlin walked swiftly through the halls of the castle, staying in the shadows. He wasn't doing anything wrong, but he didn't want anyone to see him. They might stop him with questions about why he was out this late at night. Merlin quickened his pace. The training grounds weren't that far away now. As Merlin continued his pace down the hall, he couldn't help but to remember part of his life in Ealdor. Back when him and Will were just kids and would sneak out after lunch and have contests in the woods. Merlin smiled to himself as he reached the ground level. Nobody would be on this side of the castle at this time, and the guards wouldn't make their rounds here again for a while. Merlin dragged one of the boards from its mark. He did always like to have a bit of a challenge. He pulled the stand about 300 feet give or take away from its original spot. After he set the bulls-eye on its pedestal, he turned and walked to the distance that the knights were at earlier. Merlin pulled out the throwing knife set he received on his birthday. Then he let em' fly.
Arthur couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned in bed for about an hour but it was no use. Finally he decided to just go for a walk. He slipped on a shirt and his boots (the ones that didn't need to be buckled mind you), grabbed one of his cloaks, and slipped out the door. After walking around aimlessly for a bit, he headed towards the large windows in the east wing that overlooked part of the training grounds. The wind on his face and the veiw would probally do him some good. Arthur looked out the window. It was quite a breath taking sight. The moon, and the way the leaves on the trees bent, and that person in black sneaking around after curfew. Arthur blinked then stared some more as he watched the figure. Who was that? They could be a spy! Arthur cursed his luck. So much for a peaceful evening. He turned and fled down the nearest staircase. He was disgusted by the lack of guards! He made a mental note to bring this up at the next meeting. Arthur reached the field in record time, hoping he could still catch whoever it was down here. Arthur looked around and was almost relived to here a thunk sound. He quickly tracked the sound and saw the same hooded figure going to retrieve knifes from a practice board. Arthur was a bit intrigued. Whoever this was wasn't a spy or a thief then. He decided to wait in the shadows and watch. The hooded person put their knives away, and Arthur couldn't help but to feel a bit disappointed, but then whoever it was grabbed some of the castle knives that were used for training instead. Arthur felt his heart beat with anticipation. Arthur watched in shock as the knives each hit the bullseye. Who was this person! A knight that had been holding out? Arthur was going to find out. He watched as whoever it was once again went to the target to retrieve the knifes and took this chance to emerge from his hiding spot.
Merlin got his knives from the target and put them up. He wanted them to remain sharp, as he never really had time to just sharpen the blades himself. He strapped them back to his hip, and after making sure his hood was still up, grabbed some of the knives that were left out from earlier that day. He flung the first knife and watched as it hit dead center. Merlin allowed himself a small, self-satisfied smirk. If Arthur could see him now. Merlin threw the other knives as well with alarming accuracy. He had always been good, but once Leon had accidently found him and offered a few pointers. He had yet to once miss his mark since. Leon agreed not to tell about his skill in exchange that Merlin would offer to help teach others when he asked. Seemed like a fair trade. Merlin watched as the final knife sank deep into the worn wood. He ran to collect them, and then turned around. He mentally congratulated himself on not screaming at the sight of Arthur staring at him. He opened his mouth to say something, to explain himself, but Arthur beat him to it.
"What is your name?" Arthur asked.
Merlin was flabbergasted for a moment before he remembered that his face was hidden. An evil smile made its way across his lips. He gave no reply, and watched amused as Arthur became a bit agitated.
"Do you not want me to know your skill? It's very commendable by the way. Why did you hold back at practice today? It's very clear that you are one of my better knights at this. You could very well teach the others a thing or too." Merlin was shocked at the praise, then a bit hurt. Why did Arthur immediately assume that his level of skill was only possible by a high bred nobel knight? He made no response. A smile ran across Arthur's face.
"Still not speaking then? I was serious about the offer of teaching the others. Maybe even my useless servant could pick up a thing or two!" Arthur joked. Merlin felt his blood boil. So this is how Arthur talked about him to others? Courtesy be damned. Merlin acted like he was seriously considering the offer. The without warning he threw one of the knifes at Arthur, dropped the others, and ran. Arthur made an undignified squalk of noise and tried to chase after him. What Arthur hadn't realized was that the knife had hit the tail of his cloak and lodged itself into the dirt. Merlin heard the rip of it as Arthur fell face first into the ground, and the string of curses that left his mouth after. He glanced over his shoulder as he reached the castle. Just in time to see Arthur finally free himself, face scarlet red. Merlin made it all the way back to his room and closed the door before dissolving into uncontrollable laughter. He had only just managed to calm down, reminding himself that he would be the one to have to mend said cloak, but then he remembered Arthur's face when he threw the knife at him. Merlin couldn't be bothered to care. He promptly lost all of his composure once again. Oh yes, he thought, he was gonna remember this.

((Heyo! ^-^ So I woke up this morning to a comment asking for an update and was all like, say it ain't so! So yea, I updated because they asked! I know I've been neglecting my wattpad for a while and I'm sorry! I've been posting other stories on ao3 so yea. But here this chapter is and I hope you guys liked it. If I get the motivation for it I might update this again soon!Until we meet again stars))

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