Chapter 14 Me and Mr. Wrong

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Chapter 14

Me and Mr. Wrong

Kayla Private opinion


Damn its hot out here and Chop over here sleep I was going to break the news to him slowly and surely so he don't think I'm miss leading him or nothing.


"Wake up nigga put ya hands up" Kayla had her finger as a gun

Chop had hopped up.

"Did I scare you my nigga?"  she laughed out loud

"Naw, dont be doing that it be sending me back to when I first got locked up"

"You acting all paranoid and shit lets go." Kayla hop inside the car and they drove off

"So what did the doctor say?"

Kayla Private opinion


Oh shit here it goes. The moment I didn't want to mention it right now I have to breathe.


" Well the Doctor said that I'm pregnant" she held her head down

"You what?"  Ant had pulled the car over

"I'm pregnant, I- I- I'm sorry I didn't want to mislead you are.." he stop her right there

" Man get the fuck out of my car now" ant pulled the car door open .

Kayla had got her purse and put it around her and was going to get out of chop car and start walking.

" Hey, wait a min... " he grabbed her by her shirt

" What do you want you putting me out of your car"

"Listen... Got ya ass, Oh you should have seen the look on your face."  he laughed

" Don't be playing with me like that, I thought you was serious as fuck "

She had punched him in the shoulder

"Naw I'm not, I'm happy for you and  I will be gladly to help you out.  I wont step out on you Kayla I will stick around because you make me happy every time I'm around you. Its like I get relief every time I'm around you. I'm not going to neglect your baby neither, I'm going to  treat your baby as if it was my own seed. "

"Aww so cute, I wasn't expecting you to say that too me"

"I'm not like the average nigg around here , yadda da mean"

"Shhh, shut ya yeah son ass  up while I make this phone call" she slap him in the back of the head

Kayla : "Hello Ms Vicky you called me earlier"

"Ms. Vicky : "Yeah I need for you to come to the house."

Kayla : "Alright I will be on my way"

She hung up the phone

"Whats that all about ? " asked ant

" Nothing Ms. Vicky wanted to meet back at the house. Can you drop me off"

" Yeah I can , but you know I have warrants and I got to get back before it get dark, so I have to take the back way."

"That's cool. as long as I get there in one piece. I think she is going to talk to me about that figh, but I give no fucks about it when I see Trina I'm going to fuck her up" 

~Foolish~ CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now