Chapter 7

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Hey guys! It's almost the end of my second book!

Don't forget to check out my completed book, "Cross Academy, The Ultimate Vampire"!

Royal's POV

Kaname was the first to react, as he stood to the right of me, and Zero stood by my left side.

"What do you want, Rido?", Kaname growled. He scowled at the vampire, as Zero took out his gun, Bloody Rose, and pointed it at Rido.

"Oh... I want nothing else but Yuki Kuran, and the girl standing next to you two men", he said, with a smirk. I gave him a glare, and he laughed at all three of us.

"You guys don't need to protect her! She can protect herself, like Juri did", Rido mocked. I could've sworn I heard footsteps crunching leaves behind me.

"Leave immediately, Rido", someone said behind me. Kaname didn't turn around to look, but Zero did, and his eyes widened in surprise.

"Headmaster?!?!?!? What are you doing here?", Zero asked. I turned around, and there he was. The goofy blonde headmaster.

"Why, I'm protecting my students of course", he answered. He let his ponytail down, and his hair flew in the wind. He took out a katana, and quickly ran at Rido.

"Take Royal and get her out of here, you two!", Headmaster yelled. I was going to complain, until Zero held me like a sack of potatoes.

"I can help! Let me down!"

"No you can't. You're a girl"


"Not!" Zero and I continued this argument as Kaname opened the doors to the Night Class dorms. Zero dropped me on the ground as I rubbed my stomach.

"You dropped me on my stomach".

"Aw.. sorry. I meant to hit your head".

I shot a glare at Zero, and I felt someone tap me on my shoulder. I turned around, and saw Yuki, smiling.

"Sis, I think it's better NOT to attract attention".

I nodded, as Zero made the most unneeded comment ever.

"Wow. Yuki is smarter than you".

I smacked him on the head, and Kaname made everyone go rest in their rooms. I wandered around in my room, until I felt a dangerous presence nearby.

Rido's presence

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