Part 39: Waiting

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{Austin's POV}

I've been sitting on this stupid curb for the past half hour. The cops seem like they're doing nothing. I'd do a better job at saving everyone in that building.

I've also been texting my mom, keeping her updated. She wanted to come down, but I told her she needed to stay with Izzy.

The cops gave me my phone back, as soon as Gabby stopped texting them back. They assumed she couldn't risk the robber seeing her phone, but I'm freaking out. I keep thinking the worst. I'm so worried about her. She and my baby are in danger, and there is nothing I can do about it. I've tried sneaking in the building, but the stupid cops yelled at me.

I was playing around on my phone when a noise caught my attention. That is the one sound I've been dreading to hear. The noise caused everyone to go silent. The only sound that would cause that, a gun shot.

I immediately stood up and ran for the building. A bunch of the officers tackled me, not allowing me to enter the building. I laid there in defeat, as the tears slipped from my eyes.

"You need to calm down, or I'm going to have you kicked out if here." The scary cop yelled at me.


"I understand your frustration. Okay? But you need to let us do our job. We are trying our best to get your wife and everyone in that building out alive. So please just calm down." The cop explained, slowly getting off of me and walking back to his little group of cops.

I stood up, dusted myself off, and walked back to my stupid curb. I plopped down and put my face in my hands, letting out a loud scream. I'm so mad.

I'm mad because I'm the reason she's trapped in there. I can't do anything to help her. And because I'm stuck on this fucking curb.

I began kicking rocks, waiting.

{End Of POV}

We were all basically sitting in a circle waiting. Waiting for someone to come save us maybe. Waiting for it to be our turn to die. We were just waiting.

There were about five us gone. Every time I heard a gun shot, I said a little prayer. I prayed for that person to make it to heaven, and for them to look after the rest of us.

The five of us that were left, just kind of stayed quiet. I was playing with my fingers, rubbing my stomach. Cody wasn't just killing me, he was taking the life of my unborn child. I just wish this incident would've happened maybe nine months from now. So, my little one might have a chance in this world.

I looked down at my wedding ring. Which obviously caused me to think of Austin. He's probably a mess right now. He's probably freaking out because he can't help me. He's probably frustrated because all he an do is wait. That's all any if us can do.

I started thinking, maybe if death is the only way out of this situation, it won't be so bad. I'll be reunited with my mom. I won't have to suffer in here anymore. Then I started thinking of Izzy and Michele. They're my family too, I can't picture them standing over my body saying their last goodbyes. I need to figure out how to get out here.

Maybe, if I just sacrifice myself, I'll be able to get the rest of these people out of here alive. Maybe I should just volunteer to die next. He might leave the rest alone. All he wants is me. I'm the reason all of these people are here. I'm-

"Are you pregnant?" I heard a small voice ask, breaking me from my thoughts.

I nodded as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I'm so sorry." The same voice replied. I slowly looked up to meet the persons gaze.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm the whole reason you guys are stuck here. That's my stupid ex. He tried to rape me last year. My husband, well boyfriend at the time stopped him and put him in jail. He's only here because he wants revenge on Austin." I looked down as the tears rolled down my cheeks again. "I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault he's messed up in the head." She tried to comfort me, which isn't really working.

We all stopped talking once Cody walked back in to where we all were. He pointed to the person I was just talking to.

No. No. This can't happen. I'm not letting this happen.

"Cody, baby. What if I just leave with you? We can sneak out the back. I'll leave with you. No screaming or yelling for help. I'll live you forever. We can be together forever. I promise." I looked up at him with flirty eyes. "Please baby, leave these people alone. We can be happy together. I promise." I noticed his eyes soften. It's working, thank the lord. "Babe, I know you want to. Lets leave, run away together. No regrets."

"What if they tell." Cody replied back.

"They won't. I made friends with them. They won't sell yo-us out. They'd want me to be happy. In reality, you're all I've ever wanted. You're the only one I want to be with." I lied, I just hope it wasn't too noticeable.

"Okay, here's the plan. We are going to walk out. As soon as you hear a honk, you guys are aloud to walk out. Do NOT say where Gabby went or who I am. Got it?" Cody stated as clearly as he could. I began thinking of Austin again. I bit the inside of my cheek to stop the tears from falling.

The fiv-four remaining nodded their heads. They shot me sympathetic looks. I just looked down at the floor, avoiding their stares.

Cody intertwined our hands and we began walking towards the exit. He lead me to his car. I got in the passenger side, he got in the drivers side. We both buckled in, he started the car, and when we were half way out the parking lot...he honked. Then pressed on the gas and we zoomed out into the world.

There was only one thing on my mind.

I love you, Austin.

{Austin's POV}

Another noise caused me to look up, it was a honk. It sounded like it came from the back of the store. I think I was the only one that heard it because the cops seemed uninterested. The honk seemed out of place to me. So I looked at the car that left, oh. It was just a normal car. Damn, I thought I had something there.

All of a sudden, people started coming out of the store. My heart fluttered in hope, anticipation, and love.

My eyes scanned the group of people, looking for Gabby. When I didn't see her, I started to panic.

I ran up to the group.

"WHERE IS GABBY?" I screamed at them as the tears threatened to fall from my eyes.

They all looked at me with sad eyes, one even started crying.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" I yelled again.

"Sh-she left." She left? As in she died?

"What do you mean 'she left'" I asked the person to clarify.

"I me-mean she left with the man. Sh-she said that she always loved him and to just take her so that he wou-wouldn't kill us. Sh-she s-saved our lives." The woman stated, stuttering on her words.

"Who was the man?!" I asked, panicking. She left. I know she only did it to save these people, she's always thinking of others.

"I think she said his name was C-cody" interjected another one of the hostages.

Holy. Fuck.

I'm going to kill him. I swear to God, if he touches a single strand on her head.

Taking all of this in was too much. I fell to my knees. I buried my face in my hands and cried. I love her. I love Gabby so much. What if I never see her again?

There was only one thought running through my mind at that time.

I love you, Gabby.


So, I know it's short. I just really needed to end it here. I literally almost cried writing this.

I'm writing on my phone, so I'm sorry for any mistakes.

Well I hope you liked it!

Y'all are probably gonna kill me for this. Oops. Dont worry. There are still more chapters to come.



Oh btw, I read the fan fics y'all left in the comments. Most of them were good! <33

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