Chapter 1

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Believe me when I say I never asked to get my happy life ripped to shreds. Of course who would ask for that but I can guarantee I certainly didn't. I guess I should back up a little. My name is Chloe Richardson and I lived a good life in Los Angeles, California until last summer. A week into summer break my family and I flew out to Hawaii for a 2 week get away. (This was back when I had a picture perfect family) It would have been a great vacation, except for the part where I caught my dad sleeping with some blonde paradise bimbo. On top of getting that sight burned into my brain my dad took it upon himself to personally threaten my well being if I told mom. I was scared shitless as anyone would be if their slimy sweaty 6 foot pig of dad threatened to beat them senseless but that didn't stop me. I ran for my mom only to be tackled by my own dad and beat to the ground. If it weren't for the maid who was on her way up to clean our private royal suite... well lets not get into that. Less then a month later my father was in prison and almost broke between the divorce and the charges my mom pressed. I knew we couldn't stay in L.A, to many memories, but I was totally unprepared for a cross country transplant. Apparently a couple hours west wasn't enough for my mom and I'm not sure it would have been enough for me either but still! By the end of summer my mom had found a new house, job, and school for me in the one and only Miami, Florida! It was like my face had been put on the Game of Thrones random "who should I kill next?" wheel but instead of "who should I kill next?" it was "Whose life do I want to completely screw over next?" I may sound a little over dramatic but I am a over dramatic person and when your life gets completely uprooted you have the right to vent.

All of these splendid events landed me where I stand right now, in front of South Beach High. It was a great school with Miamis best beach only half a mile away but it didn't change the fact that I was a)A new girl in my senior year and b) I hated attention. I'll just throw it out there, I'm what you may consider gorgeous. Now I'm sure any other girl who loves the spot light would kill for my natural sun-kissed brunette hair and tan complexion but I personally wish I looked like everyone else. I envy girls with neutral brown eyes because no one looks at them. Everyone however notices bright inner green eyes with a sapphire blue outsides perfectly mixed together to not look creepy. You probably hate me for not praising what I have but believe me I've seen how awful it can get when girls, for lack of better words, use their beauty. I want someone to look at me and fall in love with my witty sarcasm or the way I walk, not the way my legs look while I walk. I want someone to look at me and say I'm beautiful even though my nose may be a bit to big or one of my eyes may squint more then the other when I smile. However my nose is perfectly sized and my smile is dazzling. To conclude my hate for perfection I will just let you know I play down my looks as much as possible. I don't style my hair and refuse to wear tight clothing. I don't own a drop of make-up and let my face be as it may. I avoid pictures and mirrors all together to the point where it's almost a issue. When people look at me they may see perfection but all I see is another empty pretty face. As I walk in I adjust my book bag strap over my soft gray sweater and plug my headphones in, hoping this day will end soon.

Leave it to me to get lost on the first day of school. I couldn't even find the office for Christsakes! I was storming down a hall way they seemed vaguely familiar when I crashed face first into the chest of a stranger. I stagger a few steps back mumbling apologizes when I feel an hand grab my shoulder and steady at me. 

"You alright?" the stranger guy asks. I pull my eyes past his chest and look up at him and the air gets knocked out of me. I'm usually a pretty calm about guys but this guy was unnaturally attractive.He had dark brown sweeping hair and bright green eyes. You could see his muscles wind up his tan arms and through his gray polo- "Stop" I think to myself. I regain control and finally speak up after what must have been a minute of silence. I flush again at the concerned look on his face 

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