Chapter 2

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"Who the hell does Justin think he is?" I think angrily to myself as I walk through the front doors. I was wearing one of Corinne's outfits  more out of love for my sweaters then anything else but I have to admit, I looked really good. The simple maroon v-neck hugged my curves and made my skin look tanner. To conclude, I wanted to put a giant hoodie on and hide."You know you would look even better if you weren't scowling" I jump at the sound of someones voice other then Corinne's cause that's who I thought walked up beside me. The guy obviously noticed my jump and grins"I'm Alex." I regain my composure (kind of) "I'm Chloe" I say with a small smile. Alex was pretty cute with sandy blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and tan skin. "I apologize for cheesiness of this but how have I not noticed you before." I smile a little "At least you knew it was cheesy and to answer your question I'm new and usually hide in one size to big sweat shirts." "Does that mean your going to steal my sweatshirt?" he asks. "Steal your sweatshirt?" I ask confused. Why would I steal his sweat- oh.It dawns on me a second before he says it. "Does that mean your going to steal my sweatshirt when we go on a date this weekend?" Wow. I'll give it to him, that was pretty smooth. One date can't hurt right? "I guess you will just have to see." The happily surprised expression that crosses his face was totally adorable. Wanting to get the last word I turn on my heel saying "See you at 7." over my shoulder.

I bet your still wondering what happen with Justin so I'll back up a little. I was feeling restless and gave up around 4. I got up and pulled on some clothes and jogged to the beach. Whenever I was feeling restless back in L.A I would take random trips to the beach and believe or not, dance. I never took any classes ever but the moves just kind of came naturally to me. I was never interested in becoming a bun head or preforming in front of anyone but I loved the feeling of flying through the air. I laid out a towel and stretched a little letting the sound of the waves make me believe I still lived in L.A and had a complete family. Sadly, that feeling faded pretty quickly and I figured the next best thing was to get lost in the moves and music. I put my "good beats" playlist on shuffle and just let lose. I could have stayed there all day but then again I couldn't because South Beach would be crawling with people in a couple hours even on school days. For awhile I just laid in the sand listening to Coldplay and didn't hear when (I bet you can guess) Justin walked up to me. I probably jumped 10 feet in the air, I mean when someone thinks they are alone and their not it freaks them out. "Your an amazing dancer you know." I jump up and glare at him "What are you doing here!" I yell at him but quickly realize how dumb that sounded. Its not like he walked into room, it was a public beach. "Didn't realize that this was your beach" he says with a slight grin like he could read my mind. I roll my eyes "Look just stay away from me okay?" He takes a step closer to me and places a hand on my check. "What if I don't want to?" Whoa way to close. I take a large step back before he can progress. "What the hell is your problem! Can't you take no for an answer!" He eyes the space between us obviously frustrated and for once he looks a little angry. "Why do you do this?" he asks angrily. "Why do I do this? You can't possibly be serious! Every time I've seen you, you are with a different girl and that's  saying a lot considering I've only known you for a day! So I do this to protect myself from you!" I try to storm away but he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him. "What if I told you I was only thinking of you while I was with them?" I pull myself away from him wishing my looks could kill, "I wouldn't believe you." This time he lets me go and I'm fuming.

I pretty much spend the whole day wanting to go to home so when lunch rolled around I was acting pretty awful. Corinne decided a Chick-Filla milkshake would fix my mood so she drove us to Chick-Filla. (After I checked with office if seniors could do that because I'm pathetic) Anyway when we got their we ran into Alex and Corinne invited him to eat with us. I was happily surprised when I realized he was actually easy to talk to and pretty funny. "Well" Corinne says while wiping her mouth with a napkin, "I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick." She gets up and shoots me a discreet wink and walks off. I smile a little and look back at Alex who looks adorable today. "Thanks for eating with us." I say as I sip my milkshake. "I'm glad you invited me too, I wanted too." The way he said that made me blush a little cause hey, Alex was definitely attractive. "So" he speaks up again, "I was thinking about Saturday and idea struck me." I perk up a little "Can't say no to a guy who can make plans, what do you have in mind?" "Well this local band is going to be throwing an album release party on South Beach and theirs going to be a huge bonfire and-" He stops when he looks at my expression. "Whats wrong?" he asks. "Well um, it's kind of, I'm not really a party girl" I stammer. "God I'm sorry I know its lame I just-" he cuts me off. "It's all good" he says with a smile. "I wasn't planing on going to the party, I was planning on going on the other side of the beach so we could listen to music and do a picnic type dinner thing. But if your not a picnic girl either.." he trails off grinning and I laugh because I know he's just messing with me, "Every girl is a picnic girl and that sound amazing." He smiles obviously pleased with himself, "I'll see you on Saturday Chloe." he says as he gets up to go. "Make sure you bring me my hoodie" I call after him with a laugh. Once he's out the door Corinne walks over to me grinning. "That. Was. Adorable. I ship it." she says happily. Only just now realizing how long she was 'in the bathroom' I laugh, "Thanks." We drive back to school and get ready for our next period.

At the end of the day I'm on my way to the door when someone pulls on my arm and I'm suddenly in a janitors closet. "What the hell!" I yell but it was muffled because (of course) Justin's hand is over my mouth. "What makes him any different from me!" he asks angrily. "What??" I ask confused. "That Alex scumbag. Why him and not me! I'm way more attractive and stronger and-" I cut him off. "This, what is happening right now, is why it's him and not you! I don't care about looks! He is a nice guy and he doesn't want to only stick his tongue down my throat! Just stay away from me!" I shove him off me and get out of there as quickly as possibly. Once again not quick enough to miss the hurt look on his face. 

I need someone to rant to so I go to Corinne and she drives in random loops while I scream my head off. "Who the hell does he think he is! I don't care how hot he is or how his eyes could melt a girls heart with one look! He is a complete ass hole! He can't just grab me at random and yell at me! God and I hate the way he looks at me! Did I ever say he could look at me like that? No!" Corinne slightly chuckles when I get to that part of my rant and glare at her. "Girly every male in the world looks at you like that, I'm afraid it's called being hot." I roll my eyes and give up. We go get doughnuts which makes me feel a little better and by the time she drops me off I'm determined to never think of that scumbag again.

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