Her Butterfly

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Harry and Lindsay have been friends since Lindsay was born. How is this possible? Well, the Styles family and the Homer family have been friends since forever so when Lindsay was born (which was a day after Harry's 2nd birthday), the little 2 year old Harry was always playing with her. As Lindsay grew, Harry and her became stronger friends, due to the fact that she could understand more. Harry started school before her, obviously, but they were still the best of friends. Skipping to Lindsay's 7th grade of school, she started getting bullied since she was smart and small. Harry defended her most of the time, but he wasn't there forever since they didn't have the same breaks, considering he was in 9th grade. Twelve-year old Lindsay was trying to stay strong and tried concentrating on her studies since it made her mom happy. Lindsay and her mom were going through some tough times but they weren't alone...God, Harry, and Anne were with them. (Notice her dad wasn't mentioned) She got through 8th grade, and in 9th grade, she finally got some friends...or so she thought. She wanted to fit in so bad, that she didn't notice she was heading towards the bad crowd. She became friends with not just any girl, but the most popular girl in school, Helena, or as most people called her "Hoe-lena". Harry and Lindsay, slowly started distancing after that. Helena knew they were best friends, but she didn't want them together, so she took Lindsay with her everywhere she went. Lindsay followed like a lost puppy. Harry and Lindsay still talked when they visited each other but it wasn't the same. The very last week of Lindsay's 9th grade and Harry's 11th grade, there was an award ceremony. Helena and her little minions, including Lindsay, got all A's awards. Helena went on stage, as if she owned the place and said, "I got all A's, thanks to that loser over there called Lindsay...I'm glad school is over because now I don't have to see you until next year. You're pathetic, fat, ugly, and I can't believe i even pretended to like you, just to get good grades...I think it would've been better failing than being friends with you" With that she smirked at her friends, and her friends poured grape juice all over Lindsay! Everyone laughed when that happened and Lindsay went home. She didn't go back to school for the rest of the week. Lindsay slowly got into depression and was afraid to trust anyone for the rest of her life, that is except Harry. She even tried to self-harm sometimes. BUT the funny thing is that Harry was there to save her at that slight moment. Its like they were connected..somehow! Their friendship? Grew stronger. But it all came crashing down, when Harry left to audition for X-Factor. He wanted to be a duo with Lindsay but she decided to stay with her mom. She was happy on the outside but deep, deep down inside..she was devastated and didn't want her best friend to leave. Though, she supported him through everything..watched every show, & voted for the band after it was formed. She even watched the video diaries. Before she knew it, school had started again. She thought that 10th grade would be a new beginning, but some things just never change. The very first day, she was called names like, "Ugly", "Fat", "Loner", "Worthless" & she was pushed against lockers, & just treated like shxt. Day after day, things got worst..but not just at school, also at home, and especially when she was alone. She started believing everything people told her. Little by little, she started talking less, until it got to the point where she didn't talk at all. The insults got worst in school. And they even told her things like, "I bet Harry went to X-Factor to stop being friends with you", "Why would he like someone like you? He's sexy and talented..you're..pff..ugly" "No one is here to save you now, right? You're best friend is gone." It got so bad, she started doubting her friendship with Harry. She started scraping herself, but not on her wrist...It was on her stomach. Blood didn't drop since it was a scrape but it still hurt. "If Harry was here, this would've never happened", she thought. But she didn't blame him. One day, a new guy turned up in school. He was really cute but he went to the populars immediately. Until one day, he stopped talking to them, and went straight to Lindsay. She was surprised but she never talked to him, since she was mute. His name was Jake and he kinda understood her for not talking and they became good friends, but not like her and Harry. NO ONE can replace him. They hung out more often, until Jake asked Lindsay out on a date one day. She couldn't deny and said (actually nodded) yes. She hasn't told Jake about her scars but does it matter? They went 3 months together, not caring about the stares they got at school, or the names people called them. Until Jake broke up with her one day, and the words he said, she will never forget! "I don't want to be with a girl who people call "weird, Fat, Loner, ugly" and the fact that you don't talk adds to the list of reasons that I don't wanna be with you. These 3 months have meant nothing..I never loved you and i Don't want your stupid little heart next to mine. Bye Lindsay" *The truth is, he did love her, but he would rather pretend he doesn't, then get bullied to be with her* Lindsay's heart was broken after that and she actually cut herself that day. Not one, not two but three slits :( yet again, On her stomach! She blamed her stomach for people calling her fat that's why she cut there! She had fallen for Jake and hearing that, just broke her. What's even more incredible, is that even though all of this happened, she still got all A's and smiled when she saw Harry on TV. She was upset, One Direction didn't win first place, but its alright. Everything happens for a reason even the unreasonable situations. When she saw Harry crying, she started crying too, she hadn't seen him cry that much, since his parents divorced. It was finally Summer, which means its been a year since she saw Harry and since she talked. She was 15 and he was 17. She was living alone with her mom because her dad was kicked out. Harry was on his way back for vacation, but she didn't know that. All of the bullying, house problems, and her "alone" time made her who she is today..a quiet (mute) , scarred (physically&emotionally) insecure girl! That's what a whole year without your best friend can do.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2013 ⏰

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