into the unknown

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just something i hashed out a few days ago that i figured i'd post on here


When Octavia bursts into the room, Raven is lying atop a gurney fashioned out of scrap metal, with strips of tarp woven in between in an attempt to make it more comfortable. Comfort, however, is the last thing on Raven's mind, because the entire lower half of her body is numb. (It's a painful kind of numb, where she swears her legs are literally caving in on themselves.)

She's not even sure if she's dying or not, to be honest. The corners of her vision are blurred and the ringing in her ears drowns out everyone else surrounding her. Which is probably why she's the only one who doesn't react when the metal doors of the room are thrown open, slamming against the wall and causing everyone (well, almost everyone) to divert their attention towards the front of the room.

The doors swing shut slowly, swaying back and forth a few times before eventually settling back into place. Octavia stands frozen in front of them, suddenly aware of the fact that everyone's eyes are trained on her. (Subtlety isn't really her thing, she supposes.)

Abby moves forward to address the girl, but Octavia's already honed in on the reason she's here. Raven, who's too weak (or too exhausted) to lift her head, suddenly becomes aware of the change in the room — which is soon followed by commotion.

"Don't," Octavia shakes her head at Abby, who's just lifted a hand to try and asses the girl. There's an edge to her voice. "I'm fine." She brushes off her arms, and Abby is about to protest when the doors swing open once more, and suddenly the room becomes a bit more crammed, as Bellamy, Indra, and Kane all crowd Abby — their rushed conversation trying to make sense of everything that's happened.

Octavia is soon forgotten, prompting her to slip past Abby and hurry over to where Raven lies. She pauses, if for a moment, stopping herself at the end of the gurney and letting her eyes assess the damage.

She'd never admit it out loud, but Octavia feels responsible for Raven.

She remembers the day Murphy shot a round of bullets through the floor of the dropship, and how, amidst all the chaos, Raven went unnoticed. It was only when the injured girl was able to pull herself out of the dropship, struggle to limp into camp, and call out for help, that anyone seemed to remember she was there. While Bellamy hurried to get the girl off her feet (always a hero), Octavia had stood frozen in place. How could she have forgotten that Raven was down there? How had no one noticed that she was missing? A darkness washed over her as she had watched her brother disappear into the dropship with the girl. How could she have been so careless?

There's an unspoken bond between the hundred. The originals. They'd braved the Earth alone — sent down for mass slaughter, only to end up being the saving grace for those who had condemned them. There's an understanding between them — Monty, Bellamy, Jasper, and the rest. They've all seen the things she's seen, witnessed the countless deaths that she has. So although many more Ark survivors have arrived, they'll never quite understand what it was like — those first days on Earth where Octavia was filled with equal parts fear and freedom.

But there's those who know, and there's a kinship between them. Bellamy, her brother, who did anything just to protect her. Clarke, who, despite their disagreements, is still someone Octavia looks up to. And then there's Raven, who Octavia began to notice a lot more after that day in the dropship.

Clearing her throat, Octavia struggles to address the situation. Raven's face is caked in ash and dirt. Abby, with a million other things running through her head, had managed to tend to Raven's wounds, but forget to wipe the dirt from her face. So Octavia grabs a clean rag from a table over, dunks it in a bucket of water, and takes a deep breath before moving to stand beside Raven.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2016 ⏰

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