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Just as I reach the surface of the sea, the light runs away while the monsters plan to feed.

I plead for the light to come back and help me recover from failure's wrath. It's too late when you're this far off the path.

I'm the one that god will never save. He watches me crawl to his arms, but I get dragged further to my grave.

Just as I give up all that I love, he gives me a sign to continue striving to rise above.

I can't ever depend on that hope to stay, not even for a full day because in the back of my mind, I hear my conscience say, that there is no way i'll ever be happy, satisfied, or okay.

Why is it that I make such a valiant effort and I collapse more than those who don't want to be any better?

What is it that i'm missing in life?

Is it love at first sight?

Is it seeing wrong from right?

Do I dedicate too little or too much time?

All the answers remain refined and maybe that's what makes me shine. Out of the depths they see my light, hidden so deep that it is only noticeable in my eyes. I always believe that i can fly, but when I spread my wings and jump for success, I fall right out of the sky. In the end I always wonder how I have the strength not to cry.

Failure is why.

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