chapter 6

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After class -

Buttercup's POV

I was on my way to the gyms, saying bye to my sisters. And going on my way.

Passing three boys talking to three girls.

I turned my head, seeing a boy with emerald eyes and black hair he looks so fimilar, so did the other two.

I shook my head and went on to gym,

I felt someone fallow in me turning to see no one.

I went into the gym and heard.

"Ok boys and girls time for track running."

I smiled I loved gym.

I went to change putting on really tight shorts, with a white t-shirt.

Running as fast as I could, passing all the boys and girls. It took me about 4 minutes to do two miles on the track.

Smiling and taking deep breath and some water.

And sitting down. The couch just stared at me.

I laughed, when I turned hearing wow from all the girls.

I see that boy again, I rolled my eyes.

I didn't care. They were so stupid. To fall all over them. I looked at they a secound and then it hit me. The ROWDY RUFF BOYS!

"blossom they are the rowdy ruff boys. "

Looking over bubbles blushed. I think they figured out who we were.

Butch smirked that stupid smirk. Of his.

Brick looked like he had something up his sleeve.

Boomer just looked at bubbles, stripping her with his eyes.

We got up and left.


Blossom's POV

After school I went to my job interview at the café.

It was so cute. I went on in the anger came up and asked " are you blossom?" I nodded she gave me a uniform

It was so cute. The skirt what frilly soft pink with white lace on the ends. A matching bow my top was whit with a pink bow on my chest.

" ill get your info later. You shift ends in three hours get to work and always play sweet and innocent. Expecially to the boys they love it. " I nodded and went to work.

I finished and got dressed back normal. I gave her, my info and went on home.


Brick's POV

I was in shock blossom, was drop dead sexy, I loved it her breast were rip and ass firm, skin creamy, and clear. her hair even longer then it was a few years ago her eyes still bright and pink.

her curves made my mouth water, I watched her work that body with out even trying.

but I knew blossom she still didn't like me, but that is gonna change very soon.

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