Chapter 1

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My squadron the 501st legion was on an Imperial cruiser headed to Felucia with Kylo Ren leading us. Kylo had met Shaak Ti when he was a Jedi. We met the new Sith Lord Maris Brood when we landed on Felucia. She had captured Shaak Ti's bodyguards. Maris came with us to help capture Shaak Ti. We encountered Resistance fighters on the way who were killed quickly, most of them shot down by my 501st legion. Then we encountered Shaak Ti who had a duel with Kylo Ren, was defeated, and captured quickly. Shaak Ti was tortured by Maris Brood.

Shaak Ti was the only known Jedi of the Jedi order not in hiding. Kylo decided that Shaak Ti should be held captive and have a ransom so I put a hologram demanding Luke Skywalker's location or Shaak Ti would die by the hand of Maris Brood. Maris was a former Jedi, then she was trained by Darth Moral, who was the emperor's former apprentice other than Darth Vader. Shaak Ti had 131 days left until she either died or was set free. The next day I started the day off by eating power and protein pellets to help strength.

I went to the refresher after I ate to get dressed in my arena outfit when  I saw it a lightsaber in my window I got my blaster at ready when it was ignited all of a sudden, and it was blue. I shot at the lightsaber and my bolt was blocked back at me, and I said "Who's there?" No answer. I shot another bolt again it was deflected back at me.

I then said to myself that it must be Kyle Katarn coming to save Shaak Ti. Kyle then jumped through the window, but he was different from our last encounter he was wearing a black hood a black tunic black pants and black boots. Our last encounter he wore a brown hood a tan tunic brown pants and brown boots.

Then Kylo Ren walked in and said "Well done Kyle Katarn."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2016 ⏰

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