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I listened as Ms.Grandell carried on with the seating chart. She just finished the boys section and then the Altos, now it was the Sopranos turn. I was pretty tall my self and my section had four rows and I would most likely be in the top row. Ms.Grandell started on the third row, which Ivanna was
In. I waited as she announced the final row and she sat me. Right behind IVANNA!
I finished my day and found out I had three classes with Zaharah and two with Ivanna! I was petrified. I awaited outside for My bus, number 463. The bus ride was normal as usual, but pretty boring actually. As I arrived home I entered through the door and immediately smelled brownies. I slipped off my old muddy uggs and felt very concerned. My mom always baked when she was nervous or scared. I slowly tiptoed through the living room into the kitchen. "How was your first day in 9th grade?" My mother questioned. I answered with a simple "fine" and gave her a few details to keep her quiet. She slowly crept up to me and stated the words "I'm sorry." now I was really concerned.
Later that evening my father got home from his work as a carpenter and my sister got home from community college. My mother sat us down at our old run down wooden dining room table. She placed a plate of chicken, green beans, and mashed potatoes in front of all of us. She sat down at the head of the table. "I have some bad news for all of you." my mother whimpered. "You know your Uncle Jeffery and Aunt Amelia's kids? Well they're getting deported back to Mexico." My Uncle Jeffery was an American citizen and my aunt Amelia was a Spanish citizen and was not legally allowed in America. Their kids were not legal American citizens either. My aunt and uncles relashionship had ended horribly. Now my Aunt and her kids are being deported?! "NO, THIS CANT BE TRUE!" I shouted. Me and my cousin Kristyn had a great relashionship, we were the same age. My cousin Daniel and my sister Cecelia had a great relashionship too. Me and my sister broke out in tears as my father punched the table and his glass of milk shattered. "UNBELIEVEABLE!" He cried as he stomped up the stairs. "Don't worry about your father girls he's just upset." my mother sobbed cleaning up the table. I stood up crying so bad my eyes were really red and headed twards my room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2016 ⏰

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