Chapter Ten - Those Who Walk the Realm of the Living (Pt. 1)

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The gods were mocking her. After all she had been through, the boy's arrival was the final insult. And Rei thought she had left her past far behind. Now, the flood gates had reopened, spilling unwanted memories into her wakeful moments.

How dare father damn another child of his to the Wildlands. The notion of it sent her reeling in agony inside.

Unfounded upon and misdirected though her emotions were, Rei could not help being angered by the boy's presence. And gods damn it all - his healing ability could only be a curse. A burden that carried a foreboding future.

Then there was the issue of the missing Finn.

It wasn't her fault, and she had convinced herself as such, but Eloise was adamant on making her believe otherwise. This was one of those moments that Rei wished she were on guard duty alone. Anything to shun the withering looks of disappointment being hurled in her direction, as though she were responsible for some great calamity.

The night was still young. Dawn was approximately eight hours away. The mountain was silent; its inhabitants fast asleep. Milling about on the first level of Orichon's dwelling, Cavlon, Eloise, Cyril, and Rei were the only ones awake. Tonight, they were Orichon's first line of defence should the doors barring the entrances into the mountain be breached.

So far so good.

"Rei? May I have a moment, please?"

She looked up from the dagger that she had spent the past half hour cleaning, and studied the male before her with piercing grey eyes. She was nineteen and he twenty-one, but the difference in their heights was so marginal that Rei found it satisfying to remind Cyril of that fact every now and then. Presently, she noted that Cyril was shifting his weight uneasily between two feet, and was engaging in his characteristic habit of scratching behind his neck.

He tended to do that whenever he needed a favour.

"Is it about Eloise?" Rei prompted.

A nod.

"You ought to be resting at the infirmary," Rei remarked crossly when the male spluttered and gave a series of dry, wheezing coughs.

"I know. But. . ." Cyril exhaled. "Eloise is really upset about Finn. I was afraid that she might do something unwise."

Rei thought as much.

"Look, Cyril. I'm sorry about Finn."

"It's not your fault. You know how he's been acting ever since Eloise and I rescued him from the gaoles."

He touched a finger to his scars - deep, ugly things that cut across his face in blistered, jagged lines - and traced them down to his neck, a melancholic expression on his face.

"Finn has never forgiven himself for this," Cyril muttered, "Every opportunity that comes along his way, he jumps at it - tries to prove himself worthy, that he doesn't need us to protect him. It drives us insane sometimes."

Rei tried to find the right words to respond, but found herself grasping at fading wisps of air. Perhaps sensing her discomfort, Cyril continued:

"Anyhow, keep an eye on Eloise for me tomorrow, will you? I'm afraid I'll be in no condition to babysit her," he sighed.

"Of course," Rei replied automatically, giving him what she hoped was a convincing smile. "I'll do what I can."

Inside, she felt an acute sense of dread. How was she going to keep an eye on the girl if Eloise refused to speak to her, let alone allow her to get near? As it was, a noticeable gap separated the two. Whilst Rei stood with Finn near the sparring arena, Eloise had planted herself firmly in front of the passageway leading towards the south entrance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2016 ⏰

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