Chapter One

644 39 9

Sunday, March 20, 2015
11:07 PM

"If you keep drinking. You'll get fat. With huge ugly beard and a HUGE stomach that would make you look like a pregnant old man that jerks himself off to porno magazines." A grunt escaped the teenagers lips as he walked down the lonely dark sidewalk, helping his drunk boyfriend walk back home safely. He couldn't stay awake knowing that he was out, getting drunk with his friends.
Many ideas such as "What if he gets ran over by a car." Or "What if he passes out on the streets." It really worried the younger one. He let out a grunt and wrapped his arm tighter around the others waist. "You really need to stop drinking alot."

Ciel groaned as he nearly carried the half- passed out 6'2 tall and heavy boyfriend back home. Ciel Phantomhive - Don't get fooled by his looks and height, He is a twenty year old, living under the same roof with his boyfriend. Sebastian Michaelis.

He dropped his drunk boyfriend down to the ground. Stretching his arms and legs. His black thin tshirt was lifted up as he stretched his limbs. The smooth pale stomach exposed as he did so.
Ciel yawned as he unlocked the closed door slightly kicking it open. He looked down to the almost asleep drunked man and sighed running his fingers through his hair. He let out a deep heavy sigh and bent down. "Com'on old man... time to go inside. " He murmured grunting as he picked up Sebastian.

Sebastian would mumbled a few words but they weren't heard or not pronounceable. Ciel rolled his eyes and got in kicking the door closed. Sitting the other down on the ground. His breathing was heavy- Almost as if he had just finished running for a long while. He turned to look down at sebastian and glared at him.

"What..." Sebastian said, looking stupid as he said that. He smiled and opened his arms wide open for ciel. "Com'on baby, pick me up and take me-"Ciel cut him off before sebastian could finish talking. " No. You pick yourself up. I'm tired already. I'm tired of you drinking all the time! When are you going to stop? I miss you sebastian... " He said, arms crossed his chest and waited for sebastian to respond back to him. "W-Whatttt? Mee? Drunk? No no no no no no noooo! I'm not drunk pft-" Sebastian scoffed laughing a little as he ran a hand through his hair. "You're sleeping on the couch." Was all had said to him. He rolled his eyes as sebastian behaved more stupid than before.

The poor teenager was already heart broken. He didn't know if sebastian even loved him now. He didn't spend time with him as much as he used to. He took off his shoes and plopped back down on the bed. "Asshole..." He mumbled getting under the covers as he hugged his pillows. Pretending that it was sebastian. They used to cuddle alot. Hold each other as they slept together. Hmm yes sounds like a vallina relationship but they really had so many kinks and ciel was a "dirty little boy".

Ciel frowned a little as he heard sebastian talk and laugh to himself downstairs. Ciel would get thoughts of breaking up with him but it hurt him too much to let him go. "So stupid." He mumbled rolling his eyes as he turned to look up at the ceiling.

"CIEL! CIEL MY LOVE... MY BABY ANGEL. W-where are you. Cielll." Sebastian whined as he went up the stairs. Ciel groaned as he heard the drunk man come up the stairs.

"Where is my baby. My precious boyfriend, come back my baby." Was all Ciel heard as sebastian attempt to come up stairs. He heard a small stumble- as if he nearly fell down the stairs and that's when Ciel decided to get out of bed and go help his drunk boyfriend. "Come over here you lonely-- H-hey n-no stopp!" Ciel said trying to hold back his laughter. Sebastian pulled Ciel down and placed many kisses all over Ciel's face. "I love you so so so much. Please don't let me sleep on the counch. " He begged to ciel, leaving sloppy kisses all over his face. "Ugh...F- fine. Just.... stop drinking pleaseee. It bothers me so much." He said, hating himself for being the soft and weak around sebastian.

The older one nodded quickly and spoke "O-of course. I'll stop. Anything for my baby." He said smiling puckering his lips. Ciel stared at sebastian for a while. Loving how cute his drunk boyfriend looked like at. "Okay..." He whispered as he stood up- carefully helping sebastian stand up aswell. He walked him towards their bedroom and sat him down on the bed.

"Okay... remember if you need to vomit you run to the rest room next door or--" He paused and picked up the small plastic trash bin. "Or in this bucket. " He said tiredly. Sebastian only nodded- removing his shirt and pants. "Of course baby. Of course." He said smiling like some kind of idiots.

Ciel didn't say anything else and went back to bed. His back facing sebastian as he stared at the wall. "Baby... you're mad at me? Please don't be mad at me- I love youuu. I love you sooo much" He said getting closer to ciel and put a blanket over them. "Please look at me."

Ciel sighed- again and looked at sebastian. "Yes. I'm mad at you. Yes okay. Your drunk so I don't want to talk to you. Just go to sleep. Stay at your side and don't talk to me." He said pushing sebastian away and plopped back down on his side, closing his eyes Shut.

Even though sebastian was drunk. He still knows what was going on. He frowned a little and nodded. Looking like a little lost kid. "Good night.. " He said leaning closer again to kiss Ciel's head. Ciel opened his eyes and let out another breath the he held in-

Sebastian turned to the side so both backs were facing each other and just stared blankly at the other side of the room slowly until he has fallen asleep.

Once Ciel knew that Sebastian was asleep he turned around and scooted closer to sebastian. Wrapping his arms around his waist and placed a single kiss on his bare back.

"Good night baby." He smiled. It's been weeks since sebastian has ever called him "baby" or "angel"

Oh how a fool he is...

A/N: I hope you enjoyed it. 1100 words... this is very short I'm sorry for the wait.

-bbyciel (admin)

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